I had lost 19 lbs really fast, Now It seems I am not loosing at all !

For the last 5 days, I haven't lost a pound, I haven't gain either. I am weighing myself everyday, I had to have my husband hide the scales. Has anyone else had this same problem? I am affraid I am doing something wrong, I am swimming and not eating much at all, and drinking alot of fluids. I had no problems. Sometimes I wonder If I even had it done. Please help me. I don't want to get discouraged.    — brenda M. (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 10, 2002
Brenda, I hit my first plateau at less than three weeks out. It's likely you're going to hit a lot of plateaus along the way. It's very frustrating IF you and the scale spend too much time together. Putting the scale away is a good idea. Weighing in only at the doctor's office is a good idea. Or, try measuring your progress by inches lost or clothing sizes reduced. Plus, I see you're a so-called "lightweight" (don't you love that term?), and some lightweights -- not all -- don't lose that fast because they don't have as much to lose. Hang in there! It WILL drop off!
   — Suzy C.

September 10, 2002
I am now 17 months post-op. If I weighed myself daily -- or even weekly -- I would be SOOOO discouraged! I would honestly suggest, even early post-op, that you reserve weigh-ins for your doctor's visits every month or two. Otherwise, you start using the scale to measure your value as a person -- which is a pretty piss-poor way of defining your own success. Our bodies lose at whatever pace God intended them to. Just do your part and let the weight fall off by itself.
   — Terissa R.

September 10, 2002
My first plateau was from weeks 5-7. It is discouraging but never fear, the weight loss continues and does come off! Just follow the plan your surgeon gave you. Yes, you're weighing yourself too much. I'm guilty of the same thing at times but now I don't allow myself to get upset when it stays the same or goes up a pound or two as I know that's water weight and will come right back off in the next couple of days. Keep on plugging away at this and you will be the incredible shrinking woman! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

September 10, 2002
Brenda-I'm having the same struggle. I'm almost 2 weeks post-op, lost 16 pounds right away, and the scale hasn't budged since Saturday. I think our mistake is weighing everyday. I'm telling myself that the next time I see the scale drop, I will put it away and only weigh once per week. No promises-but I'm gonna try!
   — Elizabeth S.

September 10, 2002
Brenda, I went through the same thing. I lost 16 lbs right away and then the weight came off very slowly even though I was exercising like a maniac and eating very little. So far I've lost 35 lbs in 2 months. Don't Worry.
   — Xochitl D.

September 10, 2002
Brenda, firt CONGRATS on your weight loss...In my opinion, you answered your own question...(1) you aren't eating that much (2) you are weighing yourself everyday. My question to you is are you getting in enough water & protein...If you are be pateint, u didn't gain it overnight, it will come off....GOOD LUCK!
   — heathercross

September 10, 2002
i have the same problem i lost 20 lbs the first 11 days total of 32 by week 4 and now from week 4 to week 7 nothing ive been told that if u loose fast the first couple weeks that ur body has to catch up but its pretty depressing i know just wanted to let u know that ur not alone i dont weigh everyday i weigh 2x a week but still its depressing good luck to ya
   — amanda W.

September 10, 2002
The weighing everyday is definately a no-no. When you weight everyday, you are seeing the fluctuation in your weight and freaking out about it. However, it is normal to fluctuate in pounds. Second of all, you will hit plateaus. Your first plateau is more than likely attributed to your body going into "starvation mode". Your body thinks that you are not going to feed it anymore, so it starts saving up all the fat you have and saving aeverything you ingest as fat. Once it realizes that it has to start burning and that you are not starving it anymore, you should see your weight begin to drop again. Usually after you go back on regular foods. The surgery is just a total shocker to your body and it is saying "what have you done to me" and it is just confused. Give it a weeks or two to get back into the swing of things and get back to normal. You will see the pounds come off before you know it. Just keep away from that scale every day. Try to only weigh at least once a week!
   — sammygirlwpc

September 10, 2002
I am with you girl. I don't necessarily agree with the others about the scale thing. See even though I am at a plateau I still weigh every day so I know when I am out of my plateau. I don't get discouraged when seeing no pounds lost because I have been on this site long enough to know that I am not goign the be the only one who stops losing weight at 32 lbs. I am 4 weeks out and lost 32 lbs. I think that is wonderful and I am not stressing at all that it is slowing down now. I do know my body thinks I am starving it so it is trying to conserve some fat and that is all it is. My good friend who is 7 years out said that first couple weeks you ride the slide, then you start walking down the steps. the slide is the best when every day you see 2-3 lbs gone. But I still like to know where I am at everyday just cuz I do. No obsession going on here. It is not like I can stop dieting cuz I am depressed I hit a plateau. I will never be able to eat the way I used to and that is the one and only thing that keeps me going. I would have never been able to stick it out this long if it weren't for the surgery. BTW, don't over do yourself trying to lose weight by exercizing too much. Just enjoy whatever kind of activity you like and let the weight come off at its own pace. Hugs....
   — Michelle J.

September 10, 2002
My surgery was 6/20, I lost 20 pounds within the first 2 weeks, hit a plateau, now I average between 3-4 lbs per week. I was told that the early plateau is perfectly normal, your body is just adjusting and getting ready for you to start dropping the weight. Good luck & God Bless! Don't get discourage, the weight will come off.
   — stacjean

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