Pain & Nausea- Post Op, Just had Gall bladder removed..

I'm 13 mo. postop RNY, 2 wks. postop gallbladder. Last 3-4 days I have nausea and a gnawing pain after I eat or drink. I do have an incisional hernia (and a small one in the groin area), that will have to be fixed in the next few months. I will see my surgeon on Sept 9th (late 1 yr.check up compliments of my gallbladder). I am gettting in all my water and protein (in drinks) but I have no appetite and feel icky when ever I eat or drink. Is this an ulcer? Sometimes I think I have too much information...but then again the info I've found here has been right on! O.K. help me out! Thanks    — Peggy N. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
hello! :) i had my gallbladder removed about a year after i had been on jenny craig for a while. they have linked gallbladder problems with weight loss. after it was removed i went through the same exact thing. also looking back, i expereinced much of the same symptoms one would compare to dumping. i did not know what dumping was then and i dont dump now but it was bad after i ate anything, my face would get red id sweat, get bad pains in my temples, id get a really bad raw knifing pain in my stomach and after about 30 minutes or so it would pass. it took a while but eventually it became a thing of the past so hang in there and it will get better for you. :)
   — carrie M.

August 30, 2002
As a veteran of nausea/ vomiting and two revisions to correct mechanical failures of my surgery, I have a few questions for you.. How does water taste? Are you getting acid reflux? How long after drinking or eating before the " icky" feeling.. and is this "icky " feeling nausea/ or just feeling bad.. etc?
   — Gina Landers

September 1, 2002
Your gallbladder collects bile, then dumps it into your stomach when it is stimulated by food. When the gallbladder is gone, the bile continues to be made, but does not have anything to collect it, so it goes straigt into your stomach, often causing nausea. Bile is acidic and can cause pain, expecially if there is no food in the pouch. Does eating a cracker make it any better??? This process can also cause significant diarrhea post gallbladder removal. My husband (NOT A WLS PATIENT) has significant irritable bowel becasue of this bile that is released. HE has to take medicine for it. If it does not subside, your doc may need to order some meds to help.
   — Vicki L.

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