Can a transected pouch come undone?

My surgery is scheduled for Oct 10th. Since I have always had a hard time staying on any diet, my sisters feel that I will not follow the strict diet once I have surgery. I know that if you constanly over eat your staples can come undone and you will again have a full size stomach. But, what if your stomach has been transected? If it bursts open from over eating what will happen? My sisters asked me about this, but, I don't know the answer. They are afraid I will sabotage myself and not be successful after surgery. They don't understand why I haven't asked the doctor this question. Well, I never really thought of it, because I haven't made plans to sabotage myself. I appreciate any and all posts. Thanks    — Patricia C. (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
Patricia, I don't know the medical answer to your question-that is one for the surgeon. However, I do know that if you overeat, especially during the early months, you will throw up. And if you continue to "stuff" past the point of full, you do run the risk of stretching the pouch over time which means more food needed to fill it up. You need to examine your own reasons for having this surgery. How serious are you about losing weight and doing what it takes to keep it off? This surgery is just a tool. It will get the initial weight off, but many others have learned how to out eat the pouch and gain their weight back. Snacking round the clock, and snacking on bad foods, is one of the things that will get you in trouble. The pouch is designed to fill you up quicker, so that you eat small amounts of hopefully good healthy foods, and if you follow the rules of protein, vitamins, water, low carbs and low sugar, then that should last you a lifetime. Most of all had hard times staying on diets, I know I have, and one reason I had this surgery was so that I wouldn't have to diet again. At 6 months post-op, I can eat anything, but I ensure to eat small amounts and mostly all good healthy foods. If I crave something bad, I have a few bites and so far have found it easy to be satisfied with just a few bites. If I was not...then I would be in trouble. Others just stay away from all bad foods totally using the logic that if they didn't get started....think carefully before you have the surgery and perhaps you may want to consider getting some counseling about your eating habits before you make a decision. Good luck to you.
   — Cindy R.

August 28, 2002
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that we are all here because we couldn't stay on a diet before. Your not gonna believe how little your gonna be able to eat after the surgery. I am Also transected and have done wonderful. I never over eat to the point of throwing up. Pretty much I feel the same as when I was normal except with a lot less food to make me full. It sounds like your family needs to support you a little more instead of putting you down before they even know whats gonna happen. Maybe if they supported you more you wouldn't be here today. I hope and pray that you will ge the results you so deserve. Congradulations to you and to your new future. Please feel free to ask for support from me if you need it. GOD BLESS!
   — Yvonne C.

August 28, 2002
No it cant provided you follow your surgeons eating rules during the initial healing period.... Now for the first week or two you might be able to break open a transected stomach by INTENTIALLY stuffing yourself. This would cause a leak, a dangerous thing. Once your healed its not a consideration. Eating too much will make you SICK!!:( and you will learn better eating habits... Sounds like your family is concerned and worried. Buy a book and give it to them to read, take your family and a post op to dinner, and hear their story. Or take your family to a support group meeting. As far as I know we have never had someone break open a transceted pouch, and leaks although serious are rare happening in less than 2% of all surgeries... Is your sister MO, she may feel threatened that once you do this others will expect her to follow your lead...
   — bob-haller

August 28, 2002
Hi all. thanks for all the advice it is very helpful. To Bob-- No, my sister is not Morbidly obese. All of my brothers and sisters (6 of us in all) except one of us are overweight, but, I am the only one who is Morbidly Obese. They are just concerned and want to make sure nothing life threatening happens to me. Thanks again!
   — Patricia C.

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