Is there anything I can do or take that could help reduce hair loss after surgey

   — Paula G. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
Protein & water.. Anne
   — Anne A.

August 17, 2002
Hi... I have had some hair-loss (I notice it mostly in the shower). When I was really good about taking GNC's Hair and Nail vitamin (with Biotin) I noticed a difference- I was losing much less. I started losing more hair again recently and went back onto my super-vitamins, hopefully they will do the trick again. :) ~Angela
   — Angela B.

August 17, 2002
Hi... I am 4.5 months post op and have been losing hair about a month now and my hair was medium length. I use Nioxin products (a 3 product regimen), take Biotin, folic acid, have upped my protein considerably and drink about 80-100 oz of water a day. To take the stress off the roots, I got my hair cut short and since then while I'm still losing hair, it has diminished somewhat. I'm told it will ease up and I'm also noticing new growth. I'm also told not to worry that this is normal and I won't go bald! : ) My best to you.
   — AJC750

August 17, 2002
My sister gave me her left over pre-natal vitamins and I started taking them. It helped alot. They are prescribed, but you can get some over the counter.
   — Sarah K.

August 18, 2002
I don't believe here is anything that can be done to stop the hair loss if it is going to happen. The hair loss is caused from the trauma of surgery and the anesthesia. I had a back surgery a year before the WLS surgery and right on time, at 3 months post-op experienced hair loss for the next 3 months. Same thing occured, right on time again after WLS. Others say that certain shampoos and vitamins help them...I think you just wait it out-you don't go bald, but a nice short doo helps the wait until it starts to grow back.
   — Cindy R.

August 19, 2002
From what my Dr. said hair loss can be minimalized if you keep your protein up and take your vitamins and other supplements religiously...let's hope that is right..I am 4 weeks and 4 days post op and waiting for the hairs to start falling...I so don't want that to happen.
   — Trish R.

August 24, 2002
any vitamin supplement with 100% Zinc is the best (so I've been told). God Bless- Tonya
   — Tonya H.

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