Other comorbidities to qualify for WLS

My insurance company stipulates that I have to have a life threatening illness such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea etc. Fortunately for me, I have none of these illnesses, but that doesn't help with approval. My blood pressure is sometimes high, but as of late, has been normal. I have other less serious problems such as joint problems, rashes, infertility, irregular periods, feet problems, back pain, etc. My BMI is around 43 and I feel like I'm an excellent candidate for this surgery, but my company bought the cheapest insurance known to man (Health Partners) so am bracing myself for a denial. Can you please take pity on a fellow WLS person and give me some of the ways to get approval that you've heard of? I'm not talking about fraud - I'm just trying to think of other things that would I may have overlooked that would help me qualify. Thanks! Rhonda    — Rhonda J. (posted on July 27, 2002)

July 26, 2002
Hi. Joint problems, irregular periods, foot problems, back pain, rashes and infertility are certainly serious health problems that can be relieved by WLS. I don't think that you will have any problem getting approval. Good luck!!
   — Rebecca T.

July 27, 2002
From the sounds of your symptoms, you may very well have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. You may ask your doctor about it. This will get you the approval you need. It has been shown that weight loss improves this condition and periods will return. I have seen many woman with this syndrome in the profiles who have had excellent results and gone on to have children. Good Luck!
   — Sue A.

July 27, 2002
I see the surgeon for the first time AUG 23, standford medical center. I have few comorbidies. Asthma, stress incontinus, high cholestral, family history's help especially mine did Cardiac disease, diabete Notes from your chiropractor can help you. Also get a not from your GYN also send in new blood work to see if you have hyper thyriod or high cholestral. also check glucose levels for diabetas. Also look into geting all past medical records with high blood pressure recorded on it. Also look in your files to see if any doctors seeing you for a illness stated that you where morbidly obese. That's how I got approved I went to the emergency room for asthma treatment and the doctor wrote that on my file while he was treating me. this was a couple of years ago, But since then I have gained more weight so I was in the clear for surgery proberly several years ago but did not know they had this untill I started hearing about carnie wilson. That when it turned on my light bulb i don't have to suffer any more. guess what you and I have the same BMI 44 wt 265lb age 27
   — sheri B.

July 27, 2002
Everyone is right on in what they answered. My joint problems, plantar fascitis, and stress incontinence all qualified me. My sister's weight is so bad that it is damaging nerves in her femoral area causing her to lose sensation in her lower extremities. I know two women who are disabled right now as a result of the same thing. Your weight can kill you, it's that simple. Also, the more doctors you can get to write a letter of recommendation, the better. The OB/GYN is a plus! Good Luck!
   — Tina B.

July 27, 2002
Review Sharon Brittian's letter profile and her letter to her insurance company. You may find co-morbidities in there that you didn't even know you had. Good luck
   — Joanie J.

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