Is it normal to get reflux *all* the time?

I am about 6 days post op and I get reflux all the time. I have to sleep in a recliner because when I lay flat the acid just keeps coming up. I was wondering if this was normal and what I could do to prevent it. My doctor just keeps telling me to take smaller sips, but I assure you that they cannot get much smaller or I won't be drinking! Please help. (Thanks in advance)    — FireJewel (posted on August 27, 2001)

August 27, 2001
I'm currently twelve days post-op and prior to surgery I had incredibly bad reflux all the time. Since surgery I haven't had it once and I sleep straight through the night. I was told before the surgery that I wouldn't have reflux anymore and they were right. Maybe you should ask your doctor again if it's normal for you to still have reflux. Perhaps he can give you something to ease it like nexium which can be sprinkled on top of whatever miniscule amount of food you're eating.
   — Traci H.

August 27, 2001
Tonya, I had reflux every day before I had the surgery. I am 7 weeks post op tomorrow and I haven't had reflux since I had the surgery. My Dr. said that the surgery took care of that. You might want to check with your Dr. though because he might be able to prescribe something for you.
   — Terry H.

August 27, 2001
Since the others have had reflux pre-op but not post-op, I had to chime in so that you don't feel alone. I NEVER had reflux prior to surgery, but did have it quite frequently the first couple weeks after. My doctor said just to slow my intake of food/liquid and that should help. And it has. If you're like me and feel like you could run to your doctor daily, try this first and it might save you the trouble. Good luck.
   — Tracy L.

August 27, 2001
I'm thriteen months post-op and have had trouble with bile reflux off and on since my surgery. At first my surgeon was pretty nonchalant about this. Telling me that it was due to eating to fast, or the wrong foods, or because I was constipated and the bile had way to go "down" so it came back up. I tried taking Tagament before going to bed and stool softeners to keep the pathway open. These only offered minimum relief. He told me it would get better. Well, it hasn't and in a few weeks I am going to have exploratory surgery for a possible twist or kink in my bowel and/or adheasions and I'm having my gall bladder out too. One of things he told me was that RNY's ususally "cure" reflux, not cause it. So something was definately wrong since it has persisted this long. So mention it to your surgeon next time you see him/her. Don't be like me and put up with it and suffer needlessly.
   — Sharyle L.

August 27, 2001
I used to have it all the time, but not once since the RNY. I heard you would never get it again as all the acid is in the lower stomach you don't use anymore. I'm really surprised that any of you have it. I wonder if something went wrong???
   — Danmark

August 27, 2001
I know some people have it cured and some get it. My surgeon I understand it kind of doing a study on it. She tests your stomach acids prior to surgery and that an increments after or so I understand (I've been denied by insurance so I have yet to go through this yet). Anyway I would talk w/ your surgeon if you aren't able to alleviate it by doing what some of the surgeons or some of your peers suggestions are.
   — Dawn R.

August 27, 2001
I used to have heartburn prior to surgery but haven't had it one time since surgery. I don't understand this as I didn't think we had any acid in our pouches to burp up. Does anyone understand why she could be having this problem? I am puzzled about this. Thanks!
   — Marilyn C.

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