Does anyone else have discolored pigment in their feet?

My doctor informed me that this is called venous stasis and is a result of the weight and lack of blood flow. My feet have all these brown splotches that look like freckles now. I'm wondering if this is a common occurrence, and if any post-ops had this and had it go away as their weight loss progressed?    — Tracy L. (posted on August 3, 2001)

August 3, 2001
Hi, I've got freckles on my ankles that showed up after I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Don't know if it ever goes away. Just wanted you to know you're not alone! --Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

August 4, 2001
I am diabetic and my feet get the brown splotches(for want of a better word). I find they improve(lighten) when the swelling goes down and/or my sugars lowers for a period of time. Because this change occurs it is most likely a temporary condition. I am hopeful that after I have surgery and my weight goes down this problem will fade with all the rest.
   — [Anonymous]

August 5, 2001
I also have brown discoloration on the lower portions of my legs and feet. My PCP said this was a result of poor circulation. I did not have it until I had pulmonary embolism (the second time) and my oxygenization was extremely low as a result. I thouhgt at first it was the result of the coumadin therapy and I had hoped it would go away once I was off of coumadin. No such luck! Because I have Protein C Deficiency (a genetic blood clotting disorder) I will be on coumadin therapy for the rest of my life. I was off of coumadin for about a year though and during that time I walked a lot. 4 to 5 times a week and anywhere from 2.5 to 6 miles a day, plus I'm on my feet almost constantly at work. I even lost some weight. I never saw any improvement in my brown legs. So, I can not say whether or not WLS and loosing a lot of weight will cause the brown spots to go away. It would make sense though that there would be an improvement seen with weight lose, because you will be more active and your circulation would surely improve dramatically. That is what I am hoping anyway, because I would love to wear shorts or a bathing suite once I have had WLS and loose enough weight to feel confidant in shorts, etc.
   — Susan M.

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