Is this normal?

I have passed all the tests that I was required to take prior to surgery on June 30 but now the Dr. is requesting that I also have an echocardiogram before I can have surgery. Has anyone else been required to do this? This is really making me anxious. I'm trying to remember that that old adage : 'If you worry why pray? If you pray, why worry ?' Does anyone have any insight into this procedure that may enlighten me ? I appreciate any advice. Thank You in advance.    — Kay R. (posted on June 9, 2000)

June 8, 2000
An echocardiogram is no big deal. A non-invasive procedure. I have had one as well as a medicated stress echocardiogram (another story). It is like having an ultrasound done on your heart. He is being cautious and it will be an added benefit for you. I would have it done.
   — Cindy M.

June 8, 2000
I too had the echo before approval from the insurance co. The reason for mine was due to past Phen Phen use, they wanted to make sure there was no damage. It was a simple test and didn't take long.Nothing to worry about!!
   — [Anonymous]

June 8, 2000
Hi Kay , I too had to have an echo cardiogram before my doctor would preform the WLS. He said that there was a slight irregularity in my original EKG. But since losing 115 pounds, all the rest of the EKGS I have had done , have come back normal
   — Ellen M.

June 9, 2000
Yes, I had an echo, mostly it was because I was on Phen/fen. But, I figured if they want to look at my heart, let them look at my heart. It was relatively painless, only took about 30 minutes and the results are sent to the Dr. in about 5 days. I figure the more they REALLY look at my insides before surgery, the safer I will be in surgery. I also had a ultrasound on my gallbladder and other parts...
   — Karen R.

June 10, 2000
hi echocardiograms is like taking a sonogram of your heart. The EKG can only tell a Dr. so much but the echo gives him or her a clear picture of the heart. It's totally painless, basically they put the monitor on your chest, move it around and look at your heart. I have had one before, worked for a cardiologist, and never had a problem but he wanted to make sure. Might be that the EKG had alittle something that caused it to come out alittle wierd and the echo will clear that up with an answer. Just cause you are having it done, does NOT mean that there will be a's a great test to make sure that you are healthy before surgery. You wouldn't want to go into surgery with a problem that they didn't know about and after the test, you will feel relieved that the doc knows everything about you to give you the best care possible. Good luck to you in your new life of hope, Barbara 6/99--280 6-00--116

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