Anyone get sick?

Anyone get sick on children's tylenol - 3 weeks out and going crazy sick of water nothing taste good HELP!!    — Becky C. (posted on July 1, 2005)

July 1, 2005
I got sick a lot! Still keep my prescription for antiemetic on hand - although it's much better now. Children's Tylenol is sweet I think - it may have sugar or a substitue you can't tolerate. Our pouches are picky, particularly so early out. As for water, it was not my friend for a while. I lived on diluted cranberry juice and V-8 and Snappy Tom. Good luck - it DOES get better!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 1, 2005
Be careful with liquid drugs. Many contain sugar and you may be dumping. I found this out with children's benedryl. The cherry flavored has sugar in it--the dye free (bubble gum flavored) does not. Read labels carefully.
   — Cathy S.

July 1, 2005
I'm 2 weeks out and I had to take liquid tylenol twice the first week for headaches. I didn't have a problem with it, but It sure did taste awful.
   — mzb2u

July 1, 2005
My doc let me try taking pills early on so I used regular tylenol w/o problems. His idea on it was 'Try it...if it dowsn't work you will know not to do it again' I agree with the other posters on the kids meds. the sugar content. For an adult to get enough of the childrens strength you would have to drink a pretty big dose. If I am not mistaken...they do have an adult liquid tylenol also. I have heard of many people using that. As for water...I could not tolerate plain water at all. My pouch would cramp so bad and it was painful. I had to add (no sugar added) apple juice and other juices to my water and lots of ice. That was the ONLY way I was able to get fluids in. Plus like you, the taste of water just didn't do it for tasted funny for the longest time. Just keep trying new things and eventually you and your pouch will get to know what does and does not work. Julie S. 265/141/135 open rny 4may04 tt 16may05
   — J. Stinard

July 1, 2005
Hello there. I know what you mean about getting sick of water. I went out and bought sugarfree popsicles and ate as many as I wanted. It sure did help. It gave me some new taste and yet it was hydrating. Give it a try. I also can say that I was careful about what I took for pain medications. I would go with the liquids for now and try the pills later. If you have any questions, ask you doctor. Good luck and you are always welcome to write me and talk. Bye for now.
   — Sharon Wolf

July 2, 2005
I too had the problem of everything tasting bad. It was because of low caloric intake as diagnosed by my dietician. Try to get in more calories and it WILL go away. As for the meds,my surgeon told me if the pills or capsules I wanted to take could disslove in water in 30 minutes or less then take them. I never had to take liquids or crush pills. Hope this helps. Carolyn Landry
   — callon56

July 4, 2005
I had problems with childrens liquid Tylenol. I had to get the non-coated Acetaminophen caplets and cut them in quarters. Definitely worked MUCH better for me.
   — SJP

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