I want for my United Health Care PPO to pay for my Tummy Tuck

I have UHC PPO and would like them to pay for my TT. Does anyone have this insurance, or been covered? If so what were the qualifications? Does anyone know of a doctor in FL (orlando, miami, Tampa)? What were your results I have a small waist and a big butt and I was told that it would ruin my figure. Any suggestions?    — mamita093 (posted on May 12, 2005)

May 12, 2005
As far as insurance goes, all you can really do is try. Each policy is just as different as each individual is different. I am looking into a TT and breast lift and I live in the Tampa area. I have met with a Dr. Laufer at the Palm Harbor Plastic surgery center. (do a google search) I was comfortable with him and wouldn't mind choosing him for a surgeon. Actually, he used to perform WLS in the 70's and 80's. I was quoted about 16k for both surgeries including anesthesia and a stay at a surgery center. (if I was only doing one, they could do it there instead of the surgicenter) The cost of the two were pretty much the same, so you could just cut the cost in half if you just wanted the TT. Best of luck to you!
   — RebeccaP

May 12, 2005
I also have UHC and have been denied twice for an abdominoplasty , lower body lift as well. I have sent documentation to them from the chiropractor, pyschologist, primary care doctor, orthopedic doctor, and tons of information on plastic surgery after weight loss surgery being reconstructive rather than cosmetic. My PPO plan has an exclusion now to any type surgery that deals with weight loss or the after effects. You may can go to your Human Resources Department and ask that they remove this exclusion .. it is your company that decides what to have excluded as far as elective surgeries , so I understand.. However, I am not insurance savvy so could be wrong. I wish I could give you a more positive outlook.. you can always appeal if you are denied.. I hope you find a way to get UHC to pay for this for you. Take care Gina
   — Gina Landers

May 13, 2005
I just want United Health Care to approve my surgery, obviously you didn't have a problem with them paying for the surgery, I don't know why they wouldn't cover a necessary TT. Hope it all works out for you.
   — genelpnmom

May 13, 2005
I would love for UHC to pay for me a tt , but , unfortunately, the ppo policy that we are now covered under has a total exclusion to anything doing with weight loss .. programs, surgeries, plastics, etc. They consider all plastics to be cosmetic unless it the plastics are needed for reconstruction due to trauma, disease, etc.. My pcp is willing to document rashes, pain, etc and write further letters as soon as I am ready to pursue this again. However, at this time, I am not pursuing plastics as I am not in good enough physical health to have a positive outcome. I wish you the best of luck getting approval. Take care Peachy hugs, Gina
   — Gina Landers

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