Rotovirus, doc told me to tough it out. Any meds I can take?

I have had diarreah for 5 days, with nausea, coughing, runny nose and ear aches. A usual cold I just tough out wihtout medication since OTC stuff never works on me anyway. This diarreah stuff was just getting to me. I went to the doctor and wasted an hour of my time to be told it will take 7 to 10 days before it gets out of my system and just take Tylenol for the pain. Umm, I have tried Tylenol Flu, Tylenol Cough (liquid), Robutussin Sugar Free, and even SF Halls coughdrops. I even got desperate and took dayquil. The coughing is the worst part of it right now along with the occasional fever making me hot and then cold. I also called the surgeons help number and got the response to take OTC products that do not have asprin or Ibuprophen in it. No help at all. Does anyone know of anything else I can try? I am getting desperate.    — Heather M. (posted on April 14, 2004)

April 15, 2004
the diarhea is your body's way of expelling the virus. anti diarheal meds will just prolong the infection. As you can see cough medicines just do not work as most doctors well know. they usually only give them to satisfy your need to have "something " out of a dr. visit. Your doc gave you good advice, your time was not wasted. the ususl rest, drink plenty of fluids and maybe a bland diet , no dairy while you have diahrhea is the best advice.
   — **willow**

April 15, 2004
Viruses can be tough to beat. There is no cure for the rotavirus,so there is not much doctors can do in the medicine department. You just have to keep yourself well hydrated. Drinks lots of fluids to replenish what you lose.
   — Kara J.

April 15, 2004
Before I had surgery I was able to take Emetrol for diarrhea. I carried a bottle with me whereever I went. It is great for upset stomachs and diarrhea. I also took it when I had that virus several yrs ago. It isn't much of anything besides sugars. I always thought it worked by cutting the acids in the stomach. I have tried a small amount since surgery and I didn't have any problems with it. Everyone is different of course. You can find it at Walmart, but there is also a walmart brand which is MUCH cheaper and is the exact same thing. The walmart brand is like maybe 3 dollars. It might be worth a try. Good luck!
   — Jaime H.

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