I'm addicted to sunflower seeds!

For the last 2 weeks, I have been addicted to sunflowers. In the evening, I eat handful after handful. I feel like my body is craving the salt. I had surgery 8-03 and I'm down 80lbs. I'm afraid that I am not going to be able to stop eatting them! Why am I craving salt so bad? What else can I do to help the salt cravings. Thank you    — Susie T. (posted on December 26, 2003)

December 26, 2003
You're lucky. I took a handful of sunflower seeds and dumped on them for some reason. They're a pretty good protein snack, though. And it handles the crunch and the salt cravings. I could think of much worse snack choices.
   — Michelle J.

December 26, 2003
I eat about 2 to 3 oz's of sunflower seeds every day. I also drink about 70 oz's of water or crystal lite, and the sunflower seeds and the water keep my bowel movements going everyday. They are high in protein and have fat in them, and as long as you count them in your daily intake, I do not think that there is anything wrong with eating them. I know what you mean about craving the salt, I think that I do crave the salt about once a month when it is that time. Atleast when you are craving salt you are eating sunflower seeds instead of pototo had my surgery on Aug 6th so we are very close. Congrats on the 80 lbs.
   — cindy

December 26, 2003
You may want to have your iron level checked. I am four years post-op and very anemic. Every time my iron is low, (I know)I crave sun flower seeds non stop. I can eat 3-5lbs of seeds a week like a bird, I won't even want food. Then once I get my iron infusions, boom the craving is gone.
   — devine299

December 26, 2003
I have heard that a salt craving can actually mean that your body needs potassium.
   — Try A.

December 26, 2003
I love my sunflowerseeds....something about the salt helps my stomach anytime it feels kinda woosy....Not to mention any nervous energy I need to watching a 10 year old son play baseball....Once you start it is hard to stop.
   — nani68

December 26, 2003
I love them also, But I had to stop eating them. because of the salt. It was causing water weight and made my feet and ankles swell. 400/229/-171 lbs
   — Naes Wls J.

December 27, 2003
When I crave salt, I eat pickles (yum) I keep like 4 jars of them in my fridge. I like the ones you get in the deli section near the eggs and cheese...I like the Kosher 1/2 sour ones..I think a pickle has like 4 calories, and they keep my mouth busy sucking on them. I love nuts and seeds and we NEED them in our diet, but they are kinda high in fat/calories/carbs- so just keep them in moderation. Best wishes Kim
   — WABBIT F.

December 27, 2003
I too was addicted to sunflower seeds. I had surgery in April and started eating the sunflower seeds in August while watching my daughter play fastpitch softball. I bought them in bulk at Costco and ate them every day for about 3 mo. Now I'm addicted to sugar free jello, Go figure.
   — plsmom

December 27, 2003
Hey, I just wanted to make a comment, I was talking to someone who was craving salt and here they needed the iodine in the salt. so that could be another reason. iodine is important in our diets. Just thought I would give you something else to look Lisa hackenburg (postop lap/rny 10-23-03)(334/277/???)
   — Lisa H.

December 29, 2003
I too really like sunflower seeds but I buy the ones in the shells so I don't overeat them. II take little bags of them when I go to friends homes or to the movies so I don't feel tempted to snack on the bad stuff. It works for me.
   — redhead_324

December 29, 2003
dont stress about the sunflower eating them now as we speak... i drink with those too.... helps get the liquid in, i had surgery nov 11.02 and it hasnt hurt me a bit... 389/182/150
   — Erinn M.

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