What do gall stones feel like?

I have this sharp stabbing pain where on my right side under my ribs. It hurts more when I move, but sometimes just when I am doing nothing. I still have my gallbladder and I am 2 months post op. I did have pain over in this area before that went away so I assumed it was muscle pulls since I felt it most when exercising. This feels different.    — Heather M. (posted on July 28, 2003)

July 28, 2003
Hon, that sounds exactly what my gall bladder felt like before I had it out. It was excruciating at times. Sounds like you might have gall stones. Getting it out is no big deal at all. In and out the same day and back to work in about 3 days.
   — Happy I.

July 28, 2003
I had my gall bladder removed a few years back, but my attacks felt like I was having a heart attack. It was a sharp pain and yes it did hurt more when I moved. I just couldn't get any relief during an attack (which is according to my doctor when the gall stones where trying to pass). I have had 3 babies and the pain I experienced from those attacks were as bad as labor, no form of relief during the attack. Contact your doctor, it could be gallstones.
   — Candace V.

July 28, 2003
So the gall bladder is on the right side?
   — Beverly S.

July 28, 2003
Sounds like my past gall bladder attacks to me. But, the kicker would be if you have intense nausea at the same time-- as I did and most people I know who have had gall bladder attacks have told me. Get in to a doctor ASAP please! Need to get this checked out...
   — Wendy T.

July 28, 2003
Another common symptom, and one which I had, is so-called "referred pain" in the back. I felt a general stiffness in the mid-back region which I felt like I could relieve if I could "crack" my backbone, but the pain wouldn't go away until after the attack. Also it was characteristic of the attack (for me) that the pain would cease VERY quickly. I would be sick for several hours and then all of a sudden I was fine.
   — Jim F

July 29, 2003
I agree with how others have described pain from gall stones -- what does it feel like? HELL! Heart attack (I called 911 I was so convinced it was a heart attack). Worse then child birth because it was relentless and accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
   — antiques55

July 29, 2003
I know when I had gall bladder problems it hurt in middle of my stomache up to my shoulder blades. Also after my RNY 3 weeks after surgery I had tremendous pain all night long and I thought for sure it was surgery related, I thought I need to poop, then puke but nothing worked finally drove myself to emergency room (I needed my 16 year old to watch my two little ones)and I had to stop every other block to catch my breath, turned out it was a kidney stone, sometimes surgery related but mine was big so was building for quite sometime, got it blasted and am now fine. Back to the gall bladder asked to be checked for it, I went to emergency room 3 different times and was told it was indigetstion, in my head then last visit I just so happened to get a doctor who had seen me before and he ran the gallbladder test and an ultrasound and found lots of stones. Any other help email me.
   — joannie H.

July 29, 2003
My gallbladder problems started with exercising, esp the rotary torso. I just thought I pulled muscles and stayed away from that dreaded machine. A couple weeks later it hit me full blast. I thought I had some major, major gas pains. I decided to eat something-cereal with whole milk. That was a big mistake. I was crumpled up and it was hours before it went away. Little did I know that any food with fat provoked gallbladder pain. I had it taken out. This was before WLS. Be on the safe side and get it checked out. The doctor will probably want to see you-Pronto!! Good luck. Open RNY 5/14/03 -45lbs
   — Mimi S.

August 1, 2003
I had gall blader attacks for two years. I thought it was an ulcer from my x-husband so I didn't go to the doctor. In the end when I couldn't take the pain anymore it felt like someone was taking a knife and stabbing all the way from the back to the front. The only way I could make the pain less was by making myself throw up.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

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