10 days post op & still

I never thought I'd get to say I'm post op. Now I wish I hadn't done it at all. First I know most of what I'm going to say has been addressed here and there, guess I'm looking for anyone that might have been through my particular mess all at once. Was set for lap and they had to convert to open RNY, and the pain has been absolute hell. Is uncontrollable, 10 plus level pain extremely out of the ordinary? I'm probably at a 7 or so now, but still on liquid narcotics to keep me there. My JP drain and staples were pulled 8 days post op, and I've had two spots open in the incision line and drain like crazy - no blood, just reddish liquid. No infection or smell that I can pick up on. Still, it has me in tears all the time. I'm weak as a kitten and don't want to eat, can barely drink water. For the 1st week I had 3 cups of jello, 2 cups of broth and water. That's it. Two days ago I had my first soft food (an egg) and since I've had an egg each day, but nothing else. I am on a multi, calcium and sublingual B12. I feel like HELL. The thought of a shower is overwhelming. This draining is scaring me, even though it doesn't sound too unusual. Am I just expecting way too much way too soon? I knew my loss would be small since I'm not hitting the protein much (I've only lost 6 pounds but didn't expect much more at this point). All I want to do is sleep - as an escape. I feel like I made a huge mistake because I'm more miserable than I was before. At least then I felt "normal" and now I feel like this gigantic disaster. Any thoughts would be SO appreciated. Oh, also, did anyone end up on oxygen post op? I personally didn't notice that much difference in my ability to breathe; I panted and sweat because it was hard to get up and move around. But the staff went through the roof because my saturation levels went so far down and I ended up leaving the hospital with oxygen bottles. Right now I feel very scared that I ruined my life. Spend more time crying than I do anything else. Please help me! I need to find a light at the end of this tunnel.    — Debi R. (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
Debi, Yes I too hated what I had done for the first 2 weeks. But trust me once the staples are out and the swelling goes down a bit you will be very glad. The "anger" over not being able to eat also fades adn now I can sit and watch my family eat things I love without a problem. Water has always been a problem fo rme, but what works every time is warm decaf tea with a touch of splenda, from day one that is what I drank without a pain or rumble from my pouch. Also try Dole SF popsicles, they are heaven and take a bit of time to eat. Hang in there it will get better. Wendy 10/29/02 RNY -85
   — Wendy H.

April 10, 2003
hiya...{{hugs}}} this surgery is so major and OVERWHELMING!! many people (myself included) were in tears a lot the first few weeks... why aren't you taking in protein? your body NEEDS protein to recover from the surgery -- it is VERY important. you MUST find a source of protein -- whether it's protein powder, liquid amino, or food and at this point you can't exactly eat so i suggest you get some protein powder. yes most of them are pretty icky...i use a Whey concentrate (whey isolate is best but concentrate is next best) that is "natural" flavored so it is not super sweet like the chocolate, vanilla or strawberry flavors. if you like sweet, there are lots on the market. if you cannot tolerate the whey protein, you can use soy - you don't absorb as much but it is better than nothing! soy milk can help too, Edensoy makes a formula that is 11 grams of protein in 8 oz, add some whey protein powder and blend with frozen peaches -- you need to get in more calories...and what about water? are you drinking at least 40oz of water a day? you will continue to get weaker if you do not get your nutritional needs met. if you are concerned about the drainage, please call your doctor -- also let him know the difficulties you are having with food. one egg a day is NOT enough for your body to survive on... try cottage cheese, yogurt, string cheese (chew chew chew it well), refried beans .... if you cannot eat enough/drink enough protein & calories you will end up back in the hospital and i doubt you want that... i'm sorry if this sounds harsh but i am concerned about your health... {{hugs}}} kate
   — jkb

April 10, 2003

   — Jazzy

April 10, 2003
Hi, Hugs and :) to you. I am sorry you have had such a rough time. I know the feelings your having post-op about "what have I done or have I made a mistake? I felt that way for about a week or so. I cried alot and was depressed. I also had oxygen in the hosptial until my last day to help with my breathing. I have sleep apnea too so it helped me with that when I slept. I can honestly say that once I started getting most of my protein in and got out walking a little, I started to feel a little more "normal" Just give yourself some time. It's okay to feel "sad and blue". You have just had major surgery. It will get better. Take care, cheryl
   — cherby56

April 10, 2003
Almost everyone goes through the "what have I done to myself" syndrome. Luckily my surgeon has a pre-surgery education program and I was pretty prepared when I went in and I was there. What helps is to get yourself a routine. Throw out "I don't feel like it" for a while out of your thinking and just get yourself into a routine. You have to get 64 oz of water a day. Set up a schedule to do it. You have to get protein in to faciliate your healing. Set up a schedule to do it. Start a walking program or some other exercise program even if you don't think you can. It's essential to your recovery. If you turn off your feelings about it and just perform the routine, you'll feel much better before you know it. I had a LAP RNY and had some of the drainage you describe, but it was internal sutures working their way out. Once they were out, healing was very quick. Don't worry, just get moving!
   — Cathy S.

April 10, 2003
p.s. I forgot to add that it's essential you get moving. You're at risk for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery for blood clots. The exercise/walking or whatever you want to do keeps that risk low.
   — Cathy S.

April 10, 2003
Hi, you know, we all had a hard time dealing with all these pains and changes to our bodies, I cried for weeks, I was starving(just food addiction withdraws) and in so much pain. I thought I'd never get over it, but I did after about 2 mo. I started living normal other than eating. It does get better and it's so normal to get upset and angry over all this. Just know it gets better with time :o)The weight loss is nice and your not alone! Everyone here is great and has lots of advice and support to give, so think positive, it gets better! I wrote a poem when I got depressed over the surgery(I still get upset) and wrote it on my profile, It feels right to me and maybe you'll feel that way too when this is all over with, good luck Debi! 6mo post-op open rny lost 109#
   — Sandy M.

April 10, 2003
Hang in there it will get better. I also took oxygen home with me kept it for a week, the doctor said its common. I am 3 weeks post-op and nothing tastes goods either I just count my protein and get it down and drink alot of water I am still not up to 64 oz a day. I drink protein drinks, and suck on suger-free ice pops. I have to give myself shots till the 17th 2 a day to stop blood clots I will be so glad when that is over. In a couple of months we will look back on this and feel better, I hope. lol Best wishes, you are not alone. Diana
   — Diana B.

April 10, 2003
Your situation sounds similar to mine. I was like, "What the hell did I do to myself?" That feeling lasted for at least a month -- possibly more. I'm not sure if I felt regret but I definitely wasn't pleased. I know everyone will tell you that it gets easier but you want to know something? It does. After about 3 weeks I noticed I was feeling better and each day got a little easier. I was "depressed" that first month but I kept visiting this site and talking about my feelings and it really helped knowing I wasn't alone. I noticed when I was in so much pain I would hold my breath when I walked or moved. BIG MISTAKE!!! Remember to breathe sweetie. If you need ANYONE to talk to please feel free to email me. [email protected] You are definitely NOT ALONE in this. IT WILL GET BETTER. Just have a little faith. I'm at the point now where I wouldn't recommend the surgery to anyone else but I no longer have that feeling of regret or sorrow. It's been 5 months now and I'm doing great. You will too! You'll get there. It just takes time.
   — Tracy A.

April 12, 2003
DEBI - Not to worry hon, what you are feeling/experiencing is absolutely normal for recent post-ops. All you need to do is follow your doctor's instructions, get in your water, protein, etc. and get lots of rest. Your body has gone through a major overhaul and is going to take some time before it bounces back. I felt like crap for almost 8 wks and was told it was perfectly normal. It does get better I promise! Lauri (9-11-02 266.5/165)
   — Laurene G.

April 12, 2003
Hi girlie, I too, am about the same post op (7 days), but do not have near the pain as I was lap, but being converted was a possibility in the back of my mind. I wanted to tell you that I had to be taken off morphine at the hospital(I've never had major surgery and was allergic), 2nd the pain med's for home-Percaset makes me crazy-high, dizzy and nauseated-not to mention the dreams. I had my meds changed to Darvaset-which seems to give me enough relief to get around and feel not so "ding'd out." I don't know your situation, but try changing med's it saved me on day 4 (1st day home from hospital). Hugs and warm smiles. Tina
   — snowchick

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