Would it be silly for me..

to ask my doctor if I could have an Upper GI? I am so paranoid about a staple line disruption and I know if I had the test that it would calm my fears. I am only 3 weeks post op, but everything in my life goes wrong, so I just want that added reassuance.    — Diane Rhoads (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 19, 2002
If I were you I would stop worrying so much, I know the idea of having a "staple" holding your pouch together doesn't sound like much but there's a lot of sutures surrounding the transected area apart from the staples. The changes of it disrrupting are very small. Just relax, watch your portions and enjoy life!!! because it only gets better from now on.
   — Monica J.

March 19, 2002
The only silly question is one left unasked. If you want an upper GI, ask your Dr. if he feels it nessicary, he'll order it. There probably isn't anything to worry about, but I know how keeping in fear can be worse than just getting things over with. Good luck in your journey!!!
   — Elizabeth D.

March 19, 2002
Don't worry. If you are eating the correct amounts and staying full don't torture yourself with a nasty upper GI. I have a staple line disruption that I'm having repaired in a couple of weeks. Take it from me, you'll know if that happens to you. I'm hungry all of the time and I've gained a few pounds back (HORRORS!). If you want to know more about my SLD symptoms you can Email me any time. I'm sure you are fine, though. Good luck.
   — Meredith A.

March 19, 2002
Often a GI is not necessary, when a good old fashioned x-ray will do. After being sent home from the hospital, my medications, and yes they were well crushed, aggrivated my banding (had a VBG), and I was readmitted to the hopital in 2 days for dehydration & vomiting. One x-ray told the doctors that my staple line ws fine and that my stomach was swollen around the band. Very painless. My doctor also said that this is one of the cheapest, easiest and best ways to check things out.
   — Sue F.

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