Since surgery I have been experiencing swollen, and bleeding gums....

it's to the point where teeth are even tender, and hurt when I chew. I am off to see the dentist...But, I am wondering if anyone has experienced this as well, and if so what they did to remedy the problem.    — Tammy M. (posted on February 28, 2002)

February 28, 2002
The tissues in your mouth are greatly affected by hormonal levels and nutrition. A rapid weight loss throws the hormone levels out of wack and there is really nothing you can do about that. However you are in total control of your nutrition and dental hygiene. Make sure you are eating the correct amount of protien and getting all the supplimental vitamins...vitamin C is very important for good oral tissues. Drink 1/2 cup of orange juice the sugar content affects you than dilute it with water of diet 7-up...stir well to break the carbonation...make sure you brush and floss daily...with all the chewing you are dong the mouth is really getting a work out...while the gums are sore hold hot water in your mouth and force between the teeth..swishing back and forth for as long as you can...also begin to massage the gums with a very soft tooth can do this while watching tv if it doesn't gross the family out...the tissues may bleed at first...bleeding gums is not continue to massage gently to toughen them are dislodging the bacteria which has taken over because of your weakened system since surgery...many women in the during pregnancy experience the same symptoms due to the change in hormal levels...this is referred to as pregnancy gingivitis. Keep brushing and you will see a big improvement. Good luck. Diane Zimmer (dental hygienist)
   — Diane Z.

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