Why can't we gulp water?

I have always been a gulper and I am not understanding why if the liquid goes strait through, that we can't drink more than a sip?    — maria L. (posted on January 11, 2002)

January 11, 2002
i certainly cant add anymore to barbs post except so early post op gulping water HURTS!! it lands like a ball of lead & then u have to wait for it to trickle thru. i have learned not to gulp very quickly.
   — sheryl titone

January 11, 2002
The way mine goes down reminds me of a drain in the bathtub. It takes a minute for it to pass through and the last little bit makes a gurglie sound, like it does in a drain. Very strange, but my kids think its funny.
   — Cheri M.

January 12, 2002
Hi Maria, I am 3 weeks post-op and I started out with baby sips like everyone else but now I can pretty much drink (and gulp several ounces at a time) like I did pre-op. I realized this recently when I accidently did and it was fine. I think there are MANY things post-op that we hear about and have us concerned. Some things will apply to us and some won't. It's kinda trial and error. Always good to err on the side of safety though :-) The best to you with your surgery!
   — crishsapig

January 13, 2002
I was one who wasn't able to gulp at all for several months after surgery. I am now 5 mos post op Open RNY and I can gulp as long as they are very small gulps and I don't swallow any air with it. I accidently did it about 3 weeks ago and was fine. I've tried it several times since then and am fine. Sometimes I get too much air down and it will hurt for a second or two then I'm fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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