Does anyone have a problem with dry eyes since RNY?

I have had really dry, itching eyes since my RNY. In fact, one of my eyes is so bloodshot too, that I thought I had an eye infection. My opthamologist has blamed this on my surgery. She has another RNY patient who she said has the dryest eyes ever. All she would give me is simple eye drops, which don't seem to solve the problem. Did anyone else have this problem and have any suggestions?    — Tracy L. (posted on December 5, 2001)

December 5, 2001
Hi, There was a question similar to yours not too long ago. The person wanted to know if her eyes had shrunk because her contact lens was no longer fitting properly. Almost everyone that replied to her told her that your eyes don't shrink....well guess what??? I think they do. They don't actually shrink but like the inside of your mouth...your eyes are moist. When you become do your eyes. That was what I was told by my eye doctor. Shortly after surgery both of my contacts kept shifting and no longer fit like a glove...I was only drinking about 20oz of water a day. I drink more now and it has helped. I don't know if this is so in your case but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and drink more water.
   — Naomi K.

December 5, 2001
Yes, I have dry eye syndrome too. I recently was diagnosed with sjogren's syndrome and that, of course, causes dry eyes. Although other people on here disagree, my doctor has repeatedly said that Sjogrens' can be caused by malnutrition from the surgery. Either way, and for whatever reason you have this dry eye syndrome, there is more hope than just eye drops. My dry eyes are very very severe and I had implants put into my tearducts to keep whatever moisture I had in my eyes, in place. Tears also leave your eyes through the tiny holes on the inside corners of your eyes. Having the implants helps to keep them in. Also, surprisingly, your eyes actually might water and still hurt. That is because your eyes are not creating the correct type of tears that sooth and coat your eyes. There are two types. One type is thicker and has more natural oils. If you don't create these tears, you suffer dry eyes. These implants are simple, and done in the opthamologist's office. they are also expensive but luckily, my insurance (BCBS) pays for this. There is something else you can do too. There is an eye gel that you can use at night that helps you somewhat also. It's called Gentak. it helps somewhat but can't be used in the day as it makes your eyes fuzzy. Stay away from cigarette smoke, and dry air such as fans, air conditioners and heaters. Keep a humidifier also in your house. I hope all of this helps. there really is so much more you can do than what your doctor said. Check it out.
   — Barbara H.

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