Surgery related depression

Can WLS trigger depression? This is the kind of depression that may last for months if not treated.    — Bonnie H. (posted on May 7, 2000)

May 7, 2000
Yes, WLS can trigger depression. It's pretty normal to feel some depression after surgery. Since most people seem to get hit with it at around 3-4 weeks post-op, my guess is that there may be a physiological reason, although I don't know for sure and I don't know of any studies that have been done on it. For me, the depression was severe, but short-lived. It lasted about ten days, and then one morning I just woke up and felt better. Heck if I know why!
   — Kim H.

May 8, 2000
I am 12 days postop and have been experiencing some of these blues...nothing intolerable, however. My surgeon explained that general anesthesia plays hell with your hormones. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and you experience mood swings. I was treated for severe depression last year after losing my husband in a car accident. Most of my wls related depression has been missing him and the way he would baby me when I was sick. I haven't regretted the operation, and the tears haven't lasted for long. However, if it gets worse, I'll be on the phone to my surgeon or therapist. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 8, 2000
check out ... I think it's in either the FAQ or side effects ... there's an article on "hibernation syndrome". I had it at around 3 wks post-op and got myself into some counselling to help ... I've been in clinical depression before and didn't want to slide back there! Good luck!
   — Kathy H.

May 8, 2000
I have read other websites that stated that there can be depression after surgery. And those websites stated a few reasons: anesthesia, actual surgery, hormones...I had become depressed about 3 or 4 days after being discharged from the hospital. For me, it almost felt like having "baby blues" after my kids were born. It lasted about a week then just like Kim, I believe it is, I woke up one morning and I was fine. I remember crying and telling my husband I didn't want him to go to work, I just wanted him to stay home and take care of me because I was so sad. I just didn't want to be left alone. Thankfully, my mom was around and helped me through it. If it doesn't go away, I would see my surgeon or my PCP to make sure there isn't some underlying condition that may be triggering the depression. Good Luck to you...
   — Marni

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