Has anyone had to stop Premarin before surgery?

My Dr. wants me to stop taking my Premarin for 2 mos. before he does surgery!! has anyone else had to do this? Why?    — Lisa P. (posted on July 1, 1999)

July 1, 1999
I have been taking premarin for 2 years and I did not have to stop taking it before or after surgery. Why I can't answer that but they knew I was on it and it was fine. After surgery the hospital crushed it up and was putting it in my feeding tube.
   — Rhonda B.

July 5, 1999
I was not requested to stop taking premarin, in fact I took it the day of surgery along with my blood pressure medicines. Ask him why he wants you to stop taking it, seems strange.
   — Anna D.

September 15, 1999
I found out that my doctor wants me to stop taking Premarin "one cycle" prior to surgery. His reason was that Premarin may promote blood clotting in the legs. Good enough for me, so I will stop taking it! Here's hoping I don't have to cope with hot flashes!
   — Alice G.

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