
I have been approved for sergeon has also given me the option of having the lap the band as effective as RNY...I would LOVE any information...thank you..    — ShellyJ (posted on March 13, 2004)

March 13, 2004
I dont think it is I was gonna have the band done but changed my mind cause with the band you do not dump on foods that would would with the RNY and I wanted the rny so t would teach me to leave thoes foods alone Take care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

March 13, 2004
It depends on what operation the person you asked has had. The Lap Banders will swear their operation is the best - the loss is slower but most sustained since there is no honeymoon period. The DSers will say since the pyloric valve still comes into play in their operation and there is no dumping that theirs is the best. And us RNYers will say that "we *like* the dumping" and that it's not called the gold standard of weight-loss surgeries for nothing. (To which the DSers will reply "well, we're the *platinum* standard *G*. <p> Each surgery has its advantages and its drawbacks. Any of the three can be effective in weight loss and any of the three can be defeated as well. It's best to do the research yourself and come to your own decision instead of having others decide for you...JR (open RNY 07/17/02 -204# since surgery, -217# total, 10# til goal!!!)
   — John Rushton

March 13, 2004
This directly from the manufacturers website. I believe this info was recently updated.<P> How much weight will I lose?<P> 61% of the patients lost at least 25% of their excess weight. 52% of the patients lost at least 33% of their excess weight. 22% lost at least 50% of their excess weight, and 10% lost at least 75% of their excess weight.<P> This matches my surgeons statements on the band, he does both that and the RNY.Which he says the average loss rate is 75%. Its MY belief that a major factor is motivation with any surgery! The actual operation is a matter of hours, after that some work to make it a success. Getting enough exercise and following the rules is important for maximuum loss. Lets compare two posties, one highly motivated who exercises 6 days a week for 3 hours a day and is very diet compliant, they actually make their life into getting every last pound off. Now on the other hand I know posties who get very little exercise, never followed the eating rules, ate whatever their pouch would let them get away with, and appear satisfied with loosing a portion of what they were overweight by, and never getting to goal. The ONLY question is which one are you?<P><P>
   — bob-haller

March 13, 2004
Beth A....Just to inform you, Dumping has nothing to do with having an RNY, its not a GUARANTEE. So, saying that you will dump with RNY over Lap Band, is inaccurate. They say only about 10-30% dump. Maybe you should ask how many Lap Bands later switch to RNY, I hear its a very high #.
   — heathercross

March 14, 2004
I made the decision between RNY and the Lap-Band based on what my personal weight loss goals were and how much dependency I would have on my tool of choice. I based my decision on how much weight I needed to lose, the immediacy in which I needed to lose the majority of my weight, and how much self-discipline I have. I did not include dumping syndrome in my factorization because you can read post after post on the main board of people who do NOT dump. I know a friend of mine chose the Lap-Band because so many people who have the RNY are able to return to their old eating habits after a year or two. Many RNY patients also go back and have a lap-band style ring to their pouch afterwards. Many times people play the my-surgery-can-beat-up-your-surgery game, but really, it should be based on what you feel you can live with, and what you feel will better help you attain and maintain your long term weight loss goals.
   — Shayna T.

March 14, 2004
I too was approved for the RNY but changed my mind to have the Lap Band instead. Here was my reasoning: I didn't factor in the dumping syndrome but on quality of life issues. I just couldn't take reading about another stricture surgery or hair loss or sagging skin. I have never been under the knife before and I don't relish the thought of having to have plastic surgery to correct the skin thing. I also was informed by my physician and on Spotlight Health that over time the malabsorption factor of the RNY is not as effective so it evens out over a period of time. Yes you have to work your band but it still is an individual decision. I have friends who have had the bypass and they are great! It was just about what I was willing to put up with post op. Good luck no matter what you choose. Slow and steady or quick with some not very fun complications/side effects (maybe), your call!
   — Sheila S.

March 14, 2004
"Hair loss and sagging skin" have nothing specifically to do with one kind of surgery or another. Nobody knows exactly what causes hair loss but it could be anesthesia, and you certainly have anesthesia while having lap band surgery. You get sagging skin no matter how you lose weight -- even if you do it just through dieting.
   — Jim F

March 15, 2004
I had Lap-RNY, my sister had lap band - so far we eat the same and lose at the same rate.
   — M B.

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