I was just wondering what insurance co. will accept as proof of a supervised diet?

I have Cigna POS and I was told one of the qualifications is a 26 week supervised diet. I believe I meet all of the other requirements. I have been in a supervised program for about 15 weeks and prior to that I was getting weighed in about omce a month. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks    — Natalie J. (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I had Aetna and they required the actual doctors written notes on my chart. Good Luck!
   — Barbara S.

July 8, 2003
My friend has a choice of using a doctor or a structured program like Weight Watchers. This is for Oxford. I think each company has different requirements, but the safest thing would be montly weigh-ins with an MD.
   — Fixnmyself

July 8, 2003
BOY, I would DEF. verify the Weight Watchers thing. Would they consider that as being "MEDICALLY SUPERVISED" nowadays?? (I know CIGNA and their games all too well at this point) I'd check into that, if I were you! Another option (and one that is MUCH cheaper) is to see a CIGNA dietician for a diet plan. I paid a $15.00 co-pay to see a dietician, rec'd a book and am currently following what is basically an 1800 calorie diabectic diet. I log my meals daily (just to cover my backside, not that it was ever stated that it was mandatory) along with monthly weigh in's with a CIGNA nurse, which cost nothing, as I am not seeing a Dr., but yet it IS still being MEDICALLY supervised.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2003
I have Cigna HMO and had WLS on 10-23-02. They DID accept Weight Watchers as one of my supervised diets. I was told they accept any diet program that has WEEKLY weigh ins. That is the key, it MUST be EVERY week. Call Cigna and ask point blank what they will accept or the person who does all the insurance stuff for your surgeons office should be able to tell you or find out for you. Good luck to you. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 100+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

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