Any last words of advice?

I am getting nervous about surgery this coming Tuesday April 8th, is there any advice or items that would help me get through this surgery easier? I am in a new WLS program and will be my suregons second surgery ever. I think thats why i am so nervous, her first surgery went well though i checked on this patient, and she couldnt be happier.    — roxxyblue72 (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 4, 2003
Roxanne, your surgeon has spent many years learning to do surgical procedures of various types. I am sure the WLS is just one of many she can perform. On one hand - her statistics are 100% success rate! It's not like she will open you up and poke around inside trying to think about what to do! I can't tell you what they might be, but there are certain processes surgeons have to go through in order to be able to to WLS. If you trust her, that's the main thing. I'm sure you will be fine!
   — koogy

April 4, 2003
hi Roxanne, we are surgery sisters! I am also on the 8th in Washington DC. I live in Alexandria VA. I can understandthat you have a smal case of the nerves, only natural. Do you have everything ready for the hospital? keep busy this weekend and get the homefront ready and your nerves will be soothed. I was ready to go the date I had my approvall, can't wait to be on the losing side.keep in touch please. good luck to the two fo us! where are you? hugs, Robin preop 225/ goal????
   — Robin I.

April 4, 2003
I know how you feel. My surgery isn't until 4/22, and I already feel very nervous and anxious. I'm sure you thought long and hard before you decided to have WLS, so just try to think about the issues that lead you to where you are today. In otherwords, think of all the wonderful things that are going to happen to your life. The nervousness we are experiencing is very normal!
   — CindyOakes

April 4, 2003
Roxanne, Congrats on your surgery day and approval! I am pre-op and wish I were in your shoes. Remember that GOD is in control and will bring you through what he brought you to. Pray for your surgeon and a quick and painless recovery. Clean your house, maybe organize closets, drawers, things that will keep you productive and use up that nervous energy, plus it will be nice to heal in a clean house. Write and leave yourself notes of encouragement to yourself around the house so that you will have them when you get home from the hospital. Make sure you have plenty of before photos and have taken your measurements to help you when you are feeling blue later, or in a plateau. Go out and celebrate with loved ones over the "new you". Make a list of all the things you want to do that you can't or won't do heavy. And finally, just smile and breathe. The battle is over. You will loose weight and never gain it back again! You Go Girl! Hugs and Prayers Michele
   — Michele B.

April 4, 2003
Roxanne, Congrats on your surgery day and approval! I am pre-op and wish I were in your shoes. Remember that GOD is in control and will bring you through what he brought you to. Pray for your surgeon and a quick and painless recovery. Clean your house, maybe organize closets, drawers, things that will keep you productive and use up that nervous energy, plus it will be nice to heal in a clean house. Write and leave yourself notes of encouragement to yourself around the house so that you will have them when you get home from the hospital. Make sure you have plenty of before photos and have taken your measurements to help you when you are feeling blue later, or in a plateau. Go out and celebrate with loved ones over the "new you". Make a list of all the things you want to do that you can't or won't do heavy. And finally, just smile and breathe. The battle is over. You will loose weight and never gain it back again! You Go Girl! Hugs and Prayers Michele
   — Michele B.

April 4, 2003
Hi there, CONGRATULATIONS to you. You are on your way NOW, My advise to you is always stay focused. and think Positive at all times. Best wishes to you on your wls. may you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Hang in there and remember everyday is a blessing. Hugs
   — Naes Wls J.

April 4, 2003
I am post op 4 days. Just take each day as it comes and remember it will get better as each day passes. I had a crummy 2 days post op but each day gets better. Keep positive. Remember through every storm, comes the rainbow. Your rainbow is just around the corner. Best wishes and prayers to you.
   — Melissa B.

April 4, 2003
I had my surgery march 18 and i was my surgeons youngest patient ever!!! it all went well though... surgery wasnt actually that bad and the pain was minor. i was off meds in 2 days... i would suggest bringing your own pillow and a night gown thats LONG... GOOD LUCK U WILL BE FINE
   — Ashley F.

April 4, 2003
I am also scheduled for surgery on April 8th and I couldn't be more excited. I haven't been the least bit nervous but I think that is because I thinking about a year from now and wearing a size 10 or smaller. Keep your head up and GOD BLESS YOU!
   — C. Zibrowski

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