Please see my profile for great info about self paying with, Dr. Aguirre in Mexico

Hi, I just wanted to post this for all the self payers looking for a GREAT surgeon at a GREAT price. I had a phone appointment with Dr.Aguirre last night and got alot of information self-payers might be interested in. I put it all in my profile, so I hope this helps a little. I've been getting alot of e-mails about Dr.Aguirre in Ensensada, Mexico. So I hope this answers some of your questions, Please feel free to e-mail anytime.    — latrishanickle (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
Sounds like you have done your homework. I say good for you!!! I can hear the excitement in your comments!! I just wanted to pass along my support for your decision. Please keep us posted on your progress. I'll be watching for updates. :)
   — skymaxjr

March 18, 2003
I just wanted to say- I read your profile-it has alot of good information. I am going to put your profile in my 'favorites' for future reference. I answered you previous posting about a date- but I was not one of the people to criticize. I am having WLS on 4/3/03 and it is covered buy my insurance, however, I have a sister who needs it and wants it but her insurance does not cover it- so I will pass your information on to her. Good luck, and thanks for sharing the information with us.
   — Jan S.

March 18, 2003
Sounds like you had a great conversation with Dr. Aguirre last night. Good info in your profile. And I thought I was just special...I guess he treats all of his patients that way! Thanks to you for being proactive in getting the word out about options for self-payers. Best wishes - I will be thinking about you! :)
   — Lisa F.

March 18, 2003
I am so glad you posted all the info on your profile. I think many people are simple minded and think that their way is the only way to do things. I have posted a couple of questions on here and I must say I was not happy with a couple of replys I got. If people can not be polite then why do they even answer the question? We do not want to be put down for asking a question. We would just like someone to tell us about their experiences. I think you did a great job putting some people in their places! Best of luck with your surgery! I will be watching for more updates.
   — Maria S

March 19, 2003
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!! I'll be in touch!
   — SMG I.

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