I HAVE A DATE!!Self-Pay-Going to Mexico!!!!!!!!

HI,I'm going to Ensenada, Mexico to have Open-RYN with Dr.Aguirre on 3-26-03.Ensenada is the 2nd biggest tourist spot in Mexico and is suppose to be really nice. 2 weeks!! YES!!!! He charges 6,500.00 this includes pre-op testing and the hospital stay. All of his information is in my profile. I know this is not a question, but I wanted to post this for those of us who have to self pay!    — latrishanickle (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 12, 2003
I'm not sure how to do research on physicians in other countries, but have you checked out this doctor's credentials, how many WLS surgeries he has done, his rate of success-patients who have died etc? I've always lived by the motto, you get what you pay for. Sometimes the cheapest isn't always the best. Cheap clothes fall apart sooner, cheap vehicles break down more etc, etc. If you have done all your research and feel very comfortable in your decesion with Dr. Aguirre and aren't just making the decision because he is the cheapest, then I wish you the best.
   — Cindy R.

March 12, 2003
Congratulations on your surgery date. I'm not trying to be negative, but Ensenada is not that nice. I live in Southern California, so I'm very familiar with Ensenada. I think it's a popular tourist spot due to it's close proximity to So. Cal.---a lot of people go there to "party". Also, it is the destination of many cruise ships that specialize in three day cruises. I didn't want you to be too disappointed.
   — Cheryl D.

March 12, 2003
Not to put a damper on your excitment, but if I would of been self pay for my TT, it would have wiped me out financially. I had tons of complications and 3 add'l surgeries. I do have a friend who paid for her wls by herself and didn't have any problems. Just an FYI on self pay. Best of Luck!
   — ZZ S.

March 13, 2003
Congrats in taking the steps you feel are necessary! Just some questions for you...what about aftercare? What if complications should come up? How will you pay for them? Who will remove your sutures? Who is going to do your bloodwork afterwards? Will you go to see Dr. Aguirre for your 10 day checkup, your 1 month checkup, your 90 day checkup, your 1 year checkup? Can you afford to pay for hospitalization if you have complications? Just some food for thought.
   — Susan F.

March 13, 2003
I am just going to say Congratulation on your upcoming surgery. I see alot of the previous postings warned you about alot of things. I am not going to do that. I am sure you have everything figured out and I am sure you will be just fine. Congratualtions- I hope no one here put a damper on your excitement!!!
   — Jan S.

March 13, 2003
Hi. $6500 sounds way cheap for a self pay. I paid $16,500 (no complications) almost 2 years ago in USA. I read your profile and I just get the impression you are going with him for the low cost. Do you know of others who have used him? Like another poster pointed out, how will you handle aftercare? I sincerely wish you the best of luck.
   — M P.

March 13, 2003

   — MaryCinFL

March 13, 2003
GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I went to Mexico too, to Monterrey. Dr. Rumbaut did my LAP RNY and I would go back in a NY minute. My US doctor takes all my bloodwork 2x a yr (EXCELLENT SO FAR!!) I'm at my goal weight. Afterward, as a precaution, you should purchase a medical alert bracelet in case you are ever unconcious and are taken into a hospital here. The medical records in Mexico are not readily available to US doctors. You wouldn't want anyone putting a tube down your throat to your stomach without knowing that it's not "normal." Everyone should have an alert anyways... The Monterrey hospital (San Jose) was like a 5 star resort hotel. The furniture was beautiful and it was as clean as a whistle. Even the nurses had EVERY hair on their head covered with a hat. Unbelievable! Good luck to you! Helen
   — Helena R.

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