Why is my weightloss so slow?

i know im not supposed to be comparing my weight loss to others but i am a little scared that i will not lose much weight im 8 weeks post op today and ive lost 39lbs, i started out at 314. Is this to slow? has anyone lost slowley but still got to their goal?    — lisa N. (posted on December 10, 2002)

December 9, 2002
I started at 315 and at 8 weeks had lost 38 pounds - I consider myself a slower looser - I have lost 68 pounds so far at 19 weeks - but I'm happy. I'm 47 and have thryoid issues plus I need to increase my exercise - but I am happy with what I have done so far. Don't get discouraged - everyone is an individual. good luck
   — Sharon O.

December 10, 2002
Lisa, First CONGRAT! Second, everyone is different, don't compare yourself! Thirdly, I started out at 305lbs on 8/15, at 8 weeks I was down 44.5lbs. I am just about 4 mos and down 72lbs. Please check my profile if you want (I type alot and compare if you want to)...Good Luck!
   — heathercross

December 10, 2002
   — washar

December 10, 2002
hi lisa :) congrats on your weight loss! :) dont worry sweety, you are doing just fine! your ganna wonder where all the weight went in just a short matter of time. its all good! :)
   — carrie M.

December 10, 2002
I started at 255 and at eight weeks I am down 38lbs. I know how you feel but I guess it's normal. It's amazing how little we eat, you would think we would lose 100lbs in 8wks.
   — kelly M.

December 10, 2002
Well count me as a slow loser too!! I almost feel like a failure when people ask me how much have you lost and I say about 30 pounds and I am at 6 weeks yesterday. Some of them say "Are you sorry you had it" or "Would you do it again" or "Why didn't you just eat like this before the surgery" How do we move beyond this?
   — Sugarbaker2001

December 10, 2002
Hi -- I'm 7 weeks post, down 32 from a starting weight of 259. Now, seeing all these other people that are responding with similarly slow weight losses (by the way, I'd love to lose 7 pounds by next week!) doesn't that make you feel better? We're all doing fine. You'll get there. And so will I. :)
   — Tamara K.

December 10, 2002
I understand your concern. I am 3 months post op and have lost aprox 40lbs.Not nearly what I was expecting. I started out at 286 and I don't feel that I will reach my goal. I too would like to hear from anyone that has reached their goal after being a slow loser.
   — Tina C.

December 10, 2002
thats just short of 5 pounds a week. in no way is that slow. When was the last time you lost 5 pounds a week that you knew was going to stay off and that you were going to keep losing. I started out at 366 its 5 days shy of my 3 month aniversary and i have lost 67 pounds. I COULDNT BE HAPPER!!! look at it this way you are just getting started losing and at 5 pounds a week it will come off faster then you think:D
   — Becky M.

December 10, 2002
Hi Lisa, You are doing great!! I started at 309, am 11 weeks out and have lost 42 pounds... if I were to compare myself to you... I'd be depressed!! :) Im losing slower than you. Like so many others have said, everyone is different and as long as you are losing... you are doing great! Hang in there! -- Trish
   — Tricia C.

December 10, 2002
I have been a SLOW loser. I have documented, by date, my loss on my profile page. I am 13 months post-op and have lost *only* 96 lbs., but I started as a lightweight and I expected the loss to be slow. Oh yeah, I'm also at goal!! Didn't think I would make it either!
   — Cheri M.

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