I have hardness around my incision

I am currently 10 days post-op (lap rny) and did a DUMB thing the other day. I have been feeling very well with just a minimal amount of soreness. I asked my brother (10 days ago) to cut the grass and he did a crappy-ass job so I went out and fixed the spots he missed, about 2-3 minutes worth. I had no pain and dont feel like it was strenuous. However, that evening the soreness in my abdomin increased. It is not real painfull, but definately more sore than it was. Also, around 2 of my incisions feels hard, almost like scar tissue. I had not felt around there very much prior to the lawnmower thing so I dont know if it developed before or after. But, there is definate hardness around them. Could this be scar tissue? Anyone have hardness like this? I dont need to be reminded how dumb it was..I know!    — Julie D. (posted on April 21, 2002)

April 21, 2002
You were sore because you did more activity then normal. As for the "hard" spots. I think it's too early for tru scar tissue. Swallow your pride and call your doctor. It may be infection unrelated to your lawn mowing. I do have a hard spot (8 weeks post op) at a area that took longer to heal then the rest but Doc says it's fine. Other symptom to be worried about are temp, reddness around the bumps, extra tenderness on or around the bump and last of all warmth from the bump . Be advised that it is not uncommon for clear fluid buildup to settle between your skin and muscles (caught in the fat lol) this may "burst" because the body can't get it absorbed. My incision drained for 5 weeks. As long as it's clear and no other signs of infection you should be fine if that happens. My area was hard prior to draining. Again, Call your doctor to be sure. God's Blessings
   — Brenda F.

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