I need some encouraging words....

I sent my previous post too soon, sorry. I just need some up lifting now. I will be having surgery on this friday and I need to know I'm doing the right thing for me and my three children and husband. I can't stop thinking about what if I don't wake up. What happens to them then? I trust in my doctor and know how cautious he is and that's really been getting me through but now it's coming down to it, I some more encouraging. Please don't think I haven't thought this through I just want to some reassuring. Thank you so much for your time. Angela Michael    — Angela M. (posted on February 4, 2002)

February 4, 2002
Angela, like you I was afraid of not surviving this surgery.I was afraid I would die on the operating table leaving 4 children, my husband and my mom. But you know what? It was a piece of cake!!! The afterwards is the hell. It ain't all peaches and cream!!! Trying to adjust to a new way of life is not an easy one. Sure there are lots of folks who never had a problem and continue on with their life like nothing happen. I was very depressed about every new problem I would have.Thinking its not fair! why me!!When I was a two week post-op I wished God would take me because I was just too through with everything. But it does get better Thank God!!! Don't waste your time worring about the actual surgery (it happens very fast.)(they put you to sleep and mintues later they are waking you up)Remember, you are not alone. God Bless you!!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 4, 2002
You are definitely not alone in your fears about the surgery. I think it's a normal process, probably the hardest hurdle to jump. But if you have a competent surgeon, one you trust, and also if you are ready, then you will have to face that one last, toughest hurdle. You're going to be fine. You're going to recover just fine and realize how grateful you are that you had the courage to go thru with the surgery. It's for your health. Keep thinking what it would be like to not have it. Do you want to feel miserable all your life or do you want that "second chance" at a healthy lifestyle where you will be able to do things with your family? Do it! We've all wasted enough time. Time to really start living. I will pray for you. I personally summoned prayer warriors from all over the country to pray for me. I believe in the power of prayer and say that played a big part for me. In fact, as I was being wheeled away, my friend had her hand on me and was praying. I was so miserable, it was either, "I'm having this surgery or I'm going HOME." God brought me back here so He must have work for me here. God bless you.
   — blank first name B.

February 4, 2002
I was so scared on the day of surgery that I cried all the way to the OR. That was 331 glorious pounds ago. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I started at 469 pounds and today I am down to 138. I went from an 8x to a size 8 in 17 months. I not only have my life back but it is new and improved. I am able to enjoy doing things that I have not done in a very long time. I can run around and play with the kids and just enjoy life. This surgery was the best thing that I ever did for me.
   — DeeDubbs

February 4, 2002
I think what you are feeling is totally normal. I did much the same thing before my WLS. I wish you only the best. Keep positive thoughts, and trust in your God. Everything turned out just great for me and my family. I am healther and happier. God Bless.
   — Phil J.

February 4, 2002
I was also so afraid that I was making the wrong decision. I was afraid that I would make a big mistake and everyone else would have to pay for it. I had faith and I came through without any problems. I am a little over six months post op and down 86 pounds. I feel great. Just keep the faith and know that what you are doing is to improve your life. Good luck.
   — Dawn H.

February 4, 2002
I was also very scared before surgery, and guess what happened to me? I was all set to go, in my jonnie, IV in, but I was running a high fever (who would have thought?) My surgery was cancelled for that day....I was sure this was a sign from God telling me not to go through with it, but you know what, as scared as I was about having surgery didn't come close to the way I felt about it being cancelled. I rescheduled for 2 weeks from that date, and I am doing great (despite the fact that my surgery was a difficult told to me by my surgeon.) You will do fine, you can't control what will happen, just keep the faith, and that will bring you through. Good Luck and Congratulations!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 4, 2002
Hi, Angela I was not scared until they came in and said its time to go to sleep. I started to cry. I even told them I changed my mind. A nurse said "honey you are going to love the new you" And they but me to sleep. I was mad for weeks. I thought I changed my mind. The nurse was right. From my health to standing in a store wearing a size 8 dress and crying (it fits) Whould I change my mind now "NO" and my family is so happy. They have the real me that was always there. Im 11mos out. From 283 to 146 and very happy. God Bless
   — Cindy R.

February 4, 2002
Angela, being afraid is normal,..if you weren't scared I would think you were crazy! I have three children and a 6 year old grandson and I am a RN. I knew all about my surgery (open SRVG, a form of VBG on 12/11/01) but still was afraid I would die on the O.R. table or have complications, etc. I finally realized that I was dying anyway, I have diabetes, high BP, gastric reflux, (all 100% better since the surgery by the way) and I don't think I would have lived more than 10 years at the rate I was going. The surgery was the easy part,..don't get me wrong, you are sore and there is some pain but it was controllable. The hardest part for me was dealing with the initial head hunger after eating whatever I wanted when I wanted it for 20+ years. Learning to eat smaller meals has not been hard because my chest hurts for several hours if I eat too much, a very good deterrant! I struggle every day with the exercise part of all this, I HATE exercise (duh) but I also know the weight isn't going to come off without it. I don't know if you are a religious person; I am, and at some point you have to just give it to God. I told my family that if something did happen to me that I loved them and was doing this not to leave them but to try to be with them. Then I prayed a lot, cried and lot, and here I am 8 wks. later and down 40 lbs. and 30+ inches. I feel better than I have in years! You will be fine....God Bless You and good luck!!!!
   — esthjb

February 5, 2002
Angela, I know how you feel. I am 3 weeks post op today and the weekend before the surgery I was in a daze. I discussed where all of our important papers are with my husband "just in case". He was a pillar of strength for me. In his mind, nothing was going to happen to me and with that calm, it calmed me. I then resigned myself and put it in God's hands. The surgery wasn't any worse than expected but what I found harder than the worry pre-surgery was the depression that I experienced after I got home. It lasted only a couple of days. I think that it must have been a combination of coming off of the pain killers and a feeling that I couldn't do anything normal again (because of drains, pain, couldn't sleep etc.). Then I snapped out of it and was fine. This week (week 3) I feel so much better and have lost 25 pounds and I know - that I did not make a mistake. Best of luck to you - you will do well!
   — Brenda B.

February 5, 2002
I want to tell you that if you have taken your time in thinking through this thing and feel it is the best for you, then yes, you are doing the right thing. In all the research I have done lately, I think that things will be fine. I went through surgery last summer for cancer and had the same feelings right before hand. I think it is natural. But I did a lot of praying and felt that God was with me right then and there. He will be with you and you will do great. Good luck on taking steps to having a longer life with your family and being happy!
   — Christy C.

February 5, 2002
Angela, Your fears are normal. I would just like to remind you of the tremendous gift you are giving to your children and husband, a healthy you. You are setting such a good example for your kids, by taking steps to fix something in your life that is not working. Think of being able to still be around as your children grow up, of being able to be an active grandma to their children, of being able to run and play with them now, go on amusement park rides with them, participate and not just be a spectator in their lives.
   — garw

February 5, 2002
Sweetie your feeling are normal and most of us felt the same way before surgery. Praying helped me a lot. I asked God to help me and let me know that I was doing His will and not my on. Surgery is scary, but put your faith in God and know that we never leave here until it's time. If your time is up, surgery won't take you out or keep you here. Good Luck and most of all God Bless You.
   — Tammy W.

February 7, 2002
good luck to ya angela!!!!!! i can only magine you being frightened but you have to beleive in christ and his will and claim your uneventful surgery and full recovery and you will be alright. i will pray for you and your family
   — tameaka S.

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