Anyone payment-plan through Swedish Hosp, Engl. CO for lap RNY?

Insurance denied. Seeking anyone who has self-paid to Swedish Hospital in Englewood Colorado for lap RNY? Any reduced rate for self-pay? Payment plan through hospital? Or did you have to arrange your own financing? If so, through who? Doc is trying to arrange "flat rate" for surgeon costs, anesthesiologist and hospital costs, but not in place yet, and my surgery is already scheduled! ANY advice would be appreciated; I'm really worried about this, and information is scarce! Called Swedish and got no answers. Thank you for taking a moment to advise me.    — Lisa D. (posted on August 21, 2001)

March 2, 2002
I talked to Swedish. Their charge is $19,000 prepaid, then you get a 30% reimbursement discount & reimbursement for whatever costs were not used. Judy in Admissions is great. Her boss, who dictates the policies, treats this like plastic surgery. Therefore requires upfront prepayment.
   — gr8singer

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