Can people who have heart conditions have this surgery?

I have a condition I was born with called "arotic stenosis/insuffiency" at some point it is almost 100% likley that I will have valve replacement surgery...I was wondering if there is anyone out there that was told they could not have the surgery based upon a medical condition such as this or any other medical condition for that matter. I do realize this is a question for my doctor, but my first appointment is a month away so I thought I would ask the people on this sight! I look forward to hearing your responses. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 23, 2000)

October 23, 2000
Just wanted to let you know that I to have a heart condition. I used to have Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome. I have had 2 cathater ablations to correct it. After each surgery, I had a different type of arrhythmia. I still have Premature Atrial Contractions to this day. And I take medication for them 2 times a day. The 2 surgeries were in 1997. I have my WLS on 10-25-00. (less than 48 hrs to go!!!)My cardiologist released me to have the surgery. He thinks I will do just fine. They will just have to monitor my heart rate more carefully. I think it just really depends on your surgeon and your cardiologist. They know what is best for you. Most people who have had this surgery, have had MANY health problems eliminated or lessened. I don't know much about valve replacements, but my father had one done about 7 yrs ago. He just recently lost about 15lbs just recently and has been able to get off of almost all of his medications. He is not overweight at all, but it still helped him. I would call your doctor ahead of time and ask what they think so you will be prepared when you see your surgeon. Good Luck, my thoughts are with you!! :-)
   — Michelle P.

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