Do you find psychological counseling to be helpful after the surgery?

I have made a mistake. I should have found a psychologist/therapist long before now. I did see one about 2 mths. ago but her sessions are only 30 min. long. I am on Humana Gold Classic HMO insurance, and certain therapists actually only do 30 min. sessions. I am in desperate need to get back in to one-on-one counseling to help me deal with the emotional "food issues" that are still with me since the surgery. Ex. wanting to eat when not hungry, etc. I can go to the monthly support group, and have, but I really need one-on-one counseling before I go back to the monthly support groups. I need to feel more confident in myself before I can be in a large support group. Anyone else feel this way? Is counseling helpful for you? I am currently in the process of finding a new psychologist or therapist who will counsel for 40 min-an hr. a session. The last therapist I saw was very good, but she only does 30 min. sessions and it's for the same co-pay as it would be for someone who does longer sessions. I have to find another therapist. Just wanting to post my thoughts. Please respond if you are in the same boat.    — Bonnie R. (posted on February 8, 2004)

February 7, 2004
I have found it to be helpful. I've only been twice, but I think that I feel that it has helped me. He has made me aware of the fact that I need to stop the "battles in my mind" over the food I eat. I don't really know why, but I really haven't felt the obsession for food that I did before counseling. Maybe I'm "undigging" some emotional baggage or something! But anyways, yes, I have found it helpful.
   — raye

February 7, 2004
Hi Bonnie I have strong opinions about this topic, because I am a therapist myself, and I am in therapy for WLS issues. I agree that finding someone who does the standard 50 minute sessions would be more helpful. Support groups are excellent in their own way, but they won't help you on an in-depth personal level to figure out your food issues-- but don't skip on the support groups until you can find a therapist! You can still listen and benefit from them. I'm 10 months post-RNY, and I thought I would need a therapist for all the food-adjustment issues, so I started before surgery. In the time since then, we've covered so much more than eating behavior, and it has been a life-saver. Keep searching for the right therapist for you, it will be worth it. Best wishes, Judy
   — inkychick

February 8, 2004
I'm 13 months out and I can imagine the last year without having a therapist to bounce things off of. I only go once every 3 -4 weeks. My first three months were the hardest because so much weight came off so fast ..I was happy but I missed my friend "FOOD" too. Later it has just been dealing with feelings about relationships, the weight loss, and my new life. I'm very happy but I still remember those heavier days when it was so hard to move around, life was really passing me by. Support groups and this web site have helped to but counseling is your best option.
   — debmi

February 8, 2004
I <b>know</b> I would have failed by now if not for excellent therapy after WLS. I was in both individual therapy every two weeks and a 90 minute bariatric therapy group once/week. Both were tremendously helpful. I did both for about one year, and now I just go to a monthly large-group support meeting. <br> Since my bariatric surgeon didn't touch my brain, :) I am so thankful for that extra support. There were a lot of reasons I got to be so unhealthy, and I am glad I could start working on repairing some of the damage. Also, it is a lot easier to identify some of the things that trigger bad habits around me that could set me up for failure in my new, healthy lifestyle now that I never saw before.
   — kultgirl

February 9, 2004
I have been in therapy for 2.5 years for depression and anxiety, and OCD. I am scheduled for surgery on 3/8. I cannot imagine going through surgery without a plan of therapy. I realize that many of my food issues are mental and I think I will fail in WLS if I do not address the issues. I like having a person to talk to that is there for ME and ME alone. Pdoc has my best interests at heart and understand why I feel like I do. I trust him completely. I meet with pdoc weekly for 45 minutes. My insurance does not really cover his cost because he is a Christian counselor but I feel too strongly about therapy to stop. It is an expence that I cover after the mortgage but before the food :). Please consider finding a therapist that will work with you. Do not be afraid to ask about time and cost while interviewing the pdoc. Good luck.
   — jeh

February 9, 2004
Does your wls program offer small support groups? I think they help more than the big gruops. It helps me to know that others have the same issues and what they did to get things under control.Eating becomes a control issue. You have to control what you eat. The physical surgery will be of little benefit if you don't eat right. Make the decision to be healthy.
   — dianne E.

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