Can you qualify for this service on the basis of morbid obesity alone worker a bit ru

On the advice of a poster here(thank you) I called the voc. rehab. office in linn. county kansas. I finally got a worker to talk to me, set up an appt. for mon 8/18 I asked him about qualifications for help through the program(did not mention WLS yet..)he said they would pay for a dr.exam, but he said the dr. would probably say I needed to lose weight, he asked me if I had tried . I LAUGHED told him phen -fen, cabbage soup etc etc.Sorry i'm getting off path here, my question ...Can they deny services to me if the dr. says I need to lose weight and i'm unable to do so on my own? It sound ridiculous, if I could I wouldn't need THEM!! duh. So some smarty pants out there please advise as soon as possible I really need some amunition for this guy(i have the feeling) thanks so much susan    — susyalba (posted on August 14, 2003)

August 14, 2003
I don't know much about voc. rehab, but basically if the doctor feels that you will not see benefits from the rehab as an obese patient, he has every right to tell you so. It may not necessarily be because they are being prejudiced, but there just may not be a way for a round peg to fit through their square hole. So, if they say "no" be sure to ask them how you are supposed to get help if you can't loose weight.
   — bethybb

August 14, 2003
Is there a legal aid in your area? They provide free or low cost legal counseling. It might be good to talk with them before seeing this guy. Also maybe get another worker to deal with if you get a negative vibe from this one. The attitude of the worker can make a world of difference in how much help you get!
   — Chris T.

August 14, 2003
Voc. Rehabs answer to me was that they would buy me good tennis shoes so I could begin a doctor supervised walking program and pay for water aerobics. Which WAS nice but not what I needed. I was then referred to DSHS (welfare dept.) for GUA and assistance to apply to SSI (disability) as even their doctor agreed that I'd likely not lose on my own without serious help, but that rehab in WA wasn't set-up to assist with that. Anyway, I didn't go that route, but that's how it was set up for me. Good luck (and I agree - get legal aide IF you can!).
   — [Deactivated Member]

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