has anyone used voc rehab. in kansas

Hi, I have seen quite a few postings here mentioning voc. rehab. How do you initiate contact with them ?, what is their criteria for help? and lastly, has anyone used them in kansas? thanks so much for any info. given.    — susyalba (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
hi my name is Amy and I am using voc rehab. I live in NC but i believe that many states are similiar in their criteria....first you have to be a certain income level.. and your weight has to affect your ability to get/obtain a job...or you have to prove your weight hinders your everyday life and your ability to perform everyday functions and certain types of work. Im starting college in a few weeks and working towards earning my associate degree in nursing. I know that if i stayed at the same weight i would not be able to perform such a job. Ive also been turned down for jobs even when i pocessed the skills and was even hired over the phone several times. its a long process (going on 7 months for me) but its worth it...good luck if ya wanna talk email me
   — cinamoni

August 13, 2003
In Texas, you don't have to have a certain income level. I contacted them to pay for or help me pay for surgery but the process was going to take too long since I didn't have 1.5 year medically supervised weight loss, even though I've been seeing doctors for years about this. There are ways to fight it and it depends on your size and how much you are affected in terms of being able to work. I know 3 people who got their surgeries approved by Texas Rehabilitation Commission in a very short period of time. But, to initiate it, you just have to call and make an appointment. A counselor will meet with you and you share your story and what you are interested in having done. I have insurance but it wasn't covered and so I told my counselor that whatever appointments I needed, I'd pay the co-pay if my insurance would cover the visit, but if the insurance wouldn't cover it, I would need TRC to pay. They paid for several things, including a very expensive psychological evaluation. However, the 3 people I know who were approved, got TRC to pay for all their medical/office visits. The criteria you'll have to ask them for, but make sure you get a copy. I had to ask over and over and finally I was insistent that I get a copy and he finally gave it to me. I used that to help me write letters and know what to do to research and find resources. I finally self-paid b/c of the time limitations. I'm so happy I made the decision. It's the best thing that's happened to me in many years. If you are interested in my self-pay option, email me. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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