Has anyone been able to get your Self-Insured Co. to change the Policy

I have been road blocked with the insurance. They say I am only allowed one appeal and then it is over. Any additional letter will be rejected without looking at them. Now I would like to persue the employer and try to get them to add this procedure to the policy. Has anyone been successful at this? If so, how did you do it?    — Karen W. (posted on April 22, 2002)

April 22, 2002
It is rather ambitious to try to affect a change to the policy in the short term, but what you probably can do is appeal to your employer for a benefit exception. That is what I did and it worked. In spite of WLS being an exclusion to the plan, the procedure was authorized for payment. Do you have a medical person at the company that you can talk with? In the end, covering WLS is going to be cheaper for the Company if you develop or have comorbids as a result of the obesity. GOOD LUCK...
   — Ann B.

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