Did anyone get a cough/cold before surgery?

I am having surgery in 4 days--Monday, April 30th, and have a bad cough and cold. I will have completed a five-day antibiotic Rx by tomorrow, but still am coughing. No fever. Voice is hoarse. I think it's a sinus thing....lots of mucus. I am freaking out that they may cancel surgery. Did this happen to anyone else?    — marlo T. (posted on April 26, 2001)

April 26, 2001
Yes, it has happened to me. I've seen many postings on this. I guess the stress of our upcoming surgeries weakened our immune systems. I would recommend not stressing anymore; if thats what causes it in the first place. I had a lot of congestion beofre surgery. I went to my PCP and he put me on antibiotics. I didnt have a fever though. When I saw the anestesiologist the morning of my surgery, I told him. He listened to my lungs, but seemed unconcerned. Just try to keep cool, take your meds, and pray for the best. Best of luck to you as you start your new journey!
   — Jeannet

April 26, 2001
Hi, While I didnt have a cold prior to surgery, it was a miracle that I didnt. Everyone around me was sick and I got a sore throat about 1 week before surgery. I took coldeeze..and I dont know if it worked or if I just wasnt going to get one. Some of my friends swear by this stuff.Word of warning though. Do not take echinacea before surgery.
   — Eva C.

April 26, 2001
Yep wouldn't ya know, my surgery is next Wednesday and at the moment I have a sore throat, ear ache, and I am cramping so I know what else is coming sighhhh. Hope you feel better.
   — Crystal F.

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