Has anyone else developed Bulemia?

I am now four months post op and have been in treatment for Bulemia for the last month. My doctor feels that my way of coping with stress all my life was to overeat, now that it it impossible for me to overeat my body has found a new way to cope. She said that it is acctually quite common, I was wondering if there is anyone else out there who has this same problem and how you are dealing with it, getting better , etc...    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 7, 2001)

April 7, 2001
Go to a therapist NOW. Dont'wait until the habit has formed. My sister started small and has been vomiting 10-20 times a day for the last 25 years. The only thing that has ever helped her is therapy. Don't delay. Your life is at stake. Bulimia will rot your teeth. Rupture your stomach. Cause heart failure. Nothing to mess around with. Good luck.
   — Perri T.

April 7, 2001
I guess I can't understand how one just developes bulemia. Do you just get urges to throw up or are you uncompfortable when you throw up? Or are you overeating and your pouch can't hold it? Do you throw up after every meal? Sorry to post so many questions. I have a vbg in 1995 and I throw up sometimes on tought meats or veggies. Sometimes I Make myself throw up, but it's because my stomach is hurting. I don't think that makes me bulemic though. I wish you luck in coping and finding a new way, maybe you can walk it off, that would be healthy.
   — Lisa B.

April 7, 2001
I too would recommend finding a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. Our minds and bodies can do the most amazing things to cope sometimes. You need to find a new coping mechanism so you won't turn to Bulemia. It's nothing to be ashamed of and it takes a stronger person to ask for help. Does your Dr. have any recommendations of a therapist? I would definelty do this quickly then it won't be such a hard pattern to break. Best of luck to you
   — Linda M.

April 21, 2001
OMG! Do you have a hidden camera in my bathroom? Sometimes I get nose bleeds from making myself throw up. I never felt concerned until now. Please email me.
   — Lady C.

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