I have been told that I will have a hernia. Any one else out there dealt with this?

I am told that it will not be painful and just need some reassurance. Dr said I can have it fixed when I have my panni (like I want to go under the knife again!!!!)    — Jill E. (posted on March 23, 2001)

March 23, 2001
I also just found out I have a hernia. I will have it repaired when I have abdominoplasty. I didn't know I had it, and it hasn't bothered me until last week. It has hurt some, but more of a discomfort than pain. I think the insurance determination waiting period will hurt more than the hernia! :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 23, 2001
I just had my initial consultation with Dr. Wongsa and he said I will have a hernia also. He said they could repair it when they do the revision, but it would probably come back. He said to wait maybe two years to have it repaired. I have no experience with this, what does it look like?
   — Michele :.

March 23, 2001
It sounds like both of these posts are from "pre-op" people. My questiion is how can your dr's possibly know that you WILL get a hernai?? I know they are relatively common, but my understanding is that if you are very careful about not lifing anything heavy until your body has healed, that there is an equally good chance that you WON'T get one? Just curious.
   — tlg6056

March 23, 2001
I guess I should have said I am a pre-op, but I'm getting a revision from VBG to RNY. I have a pretty deep scar from complications following my first surgery and my doctor said when he goes in, he will have to pull the intestines and stuff (for lack of a more precise word) away from wall. Since I have no "padding" in the spot of the scar, there will be an air pocket. This is the gist of the situation. I don't know if you are a revision also, and that is why your doctor said you'd have a hernia. I will say, I didn't lift a thing over maybe 1-2 lbs (and my son was 2 1/2 at the time) and I did not develop a hernia following my VBG. I hope this helps clarify things.
   — Michele :.

March 23, 2001
Jill, I am 7 weeks out from hernia repair. I had RNY 1-19-00 and I didn't even know I had a hernia until my yearly check! The only symptoms I had were a tummy that wouldn't shrink with every ab exercise I tried- I looked pregnant! No pain- sometimes a little discomfort, but I even played soccer up to the day before the hernia surgery! The surgery itself was pretty easy- I stayed 1 night, but I could have gone home the same night if I wasn't such a baby:) It was MUCH easier than RNY- but I was in much better shape too (-133 pounds and had been really exercising). Don't worry- it isn't a biggie:)
   — M B.

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