Not losing weight

I'm not losing weight fast enough what can I do to increase my weight lose? I am 4 months post-op and down 54pds. I know not eating won't do it I drink my water and I try to get in all my proteins everyday. My starting weight was 334 what should I do please help!!!!!!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 13, 2001)

March 12, 2001
You are losing very well!!! I think it's important not to compare ourselves to others. Some folks loose a lot of weight at the beginning because they are very heavy, or because of the type of surgery they had or what they're eating. Sometimes after reading all these posts on AMOS I feel "bad" or feel that I'm doing something wrong 'cause I'm not eating as protein as others, or taking the same vitamins, or losing weight the same way as others. But we've got to only compare ourselves to our former fat-selves!!! As long as you're doing what your doctor suggests, and you're using your common sense and doing what is right for you, you're doing great. Almost 60 lbs in 4 months! I hope to lose that much!!!! Good luck, you're doing great!!!!
   — Kristy J.

March 13, 2001
You are doing fine. I found that I had to actually increase my calories at that point. Do you know how many calories you are taking in a day (total, including protein drinks)? If you aren't getting around 800 calories then up your calories, you may see the pace pick up a bit. And remember, plateaus are a NORMAL part of weight loss. Have you taken your body measurements? If not, do so immediately. You'll find that the inches are coming off even when the scale is stuck for a few weeks. Don't worry!
   — Cindy H.

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