Has anyone ever had this problem with paying upfront?

I just found out that I have to pay about $7,000 up front before the insurance will pay. I expected to have to pay the $1800 to the surgeon but I was shocked to find out that Baptist Hospital in Nashville requires that one must pay their maximum out of pocket that their insurance won't pay up front before they will allow the WLS surgery at their hospital. My max is $5,000. I am completly traumatized! I was so looking forward to this surgery now it might as well be $5,000,000 I have to pay. It will take so long to come up with that much I might as well forget the whole thing. Does anyone have any suggestions, I'm pretty open to any at this time. Thanks in advance,    — April B. (posted on February 12, 2001)

February 12, 2001
April--I had to get a personal loan for other reasons. I got a 5,000.00 personal loan through Citi Financial. I don't have spectacular credit either. My payments are 152/month, but the interest rate is 18%. If you are interested, you can call them at 1-800-995-CASH. They also have a website if you want to check it out. Good luck
   — enjo4

February 12, 2001
April, I'd say DOG EM!!! Ask to speak with the supervisor, etc....don't let them get away with just a simple no. Ask to see it in writing, do they just require this with elective surgery? When most hospitals write off a certain portion for "indigent" people there must be a way they will carry a balance for you with monthly, affordable, payments. Good luck, my best~
   — Gail R.

February 12, 2001
You'll save more than the payment in food money. Go for it. But I agree you must question this Hospital decission.
   — Mike H.

February 12, 2001
I would check back with my Dr. & see if there is another hospital he uses & your insurance covers. If all else fails try another Dr.who uses a different hopital. You might also check with you insurance company & see if what the hospital is telling you is accurate (I had a place try to get me to pay what they are supposed to write off by contractural agreement.) Good Luck!
   — Gypsy Knox

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