What about bowel prep?

Got a date! BUT do I need a recliner chairz? starting to stress!!!! Clothes, nose tubes, chap stick,etc. I am having an open RNY Feb. 16th and need all helpful suggestions and some comforting words. Thanks!    — Jill E. (posted on January 12, 2001)

January 12, 2001
Good luck with your surgery! Bowel prep is not pleasant, but absolutely necessary. I was required to drink a fleet phospa-soda to do my bowel prep. I had to drink half the bottle and then the rest of the bottle a few hours later. Let me warn you that this stuff is not very pleasant tasting! My doctor recommended mixing it with a Kool Aid Punch or Orange Soda to help get it down. Be forwarned: Don't make any plans for that day of bowel prep because the only place you will be is in the bathroom!!!!!!! I then had to take an antibiotic the next day, which once again made me go to the bathroom alot. In regards to the recliner, you don't have to get one, but if you're not used to sleeping on your back, it could be a good investment. Best Wishes, and I know everything is going to turn out great for you!
   — Cristy K.

January 12, 2001
Every doctor is different. I did no bowel prep, nor did I have to eat lightly pre op( although I did). I slept in bed I just made sure I had lots of comfy pillows , since I was alone during the day I kept water and tissues meds so on, on my nightstand. I'd make sure I had warm nighties and slippers for home , you might be colder than usual after surgery.Don't waist your time packing a lot of beauty stuff for the hospital you won't feel like using them. Use your pain med to stay ahead of the pain and you will be fine. I know easy for me to say , I'm done!! Just do as your doctor tells you he or she knows whats best for you. God Bless.
   — Rose A.

January 12, 2001 UCD where you are having your surgery, bowel prep consists of a drinking a gallon of a substance known as Go-Lightly. You mix it the night before and drink it within a couple of hours. I agree with the previous post, don't plan anything for that day, you w ill spend it on the toilet. You will also take large doses of oral antibiotics...but don't worry, it will all turn out well. It is not as horrible as it sounds.
   — [Anonymous]

January 12, 2001
Clothes? Some sweats or something loose to wear home. Most of the hospitals provide a front gown and a back gown, so to speak, and little sockies with treads. If you bring slippers, they just get kicked around! Chapstick is a must. Nose tubes are SO not a big deal. Do not stress on this! No, instead, in a few weeks, you'll be saying, WATER?! PROTEIN?!? BROTH?!? Where the heck am I supposed to PUT all this stuff? It is so way cool!
   — vitalady

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