Does anybody have any pre-op advice to give me?

I went to my inititial appt on Nov 2nd, approved Nov 3rd right over the phone!My surgery date is January 12th! Does anybody have a tips or advice to give me about anything? It would GREATLY appreciated!    — Stacey S. (posted on November 5, 2000)

November 5, 2000
Hi Stacey, My surgery is tomorrow. I know you must be psyched to have it go so quickly. What I was told was walk, walk, walk. You have to anyway after surgery. Pre-op you need to to condition your lungs and heart for surgery. Good Luck!
   — mrs.qtip

November 5, 2000
1. Don't overpack for the hospital: I wore two hospital gowns, one as a robe, saving myself the trouble of getting blood, seat, tears and any other body fluids on something I'd have to wash later. 2) Tell people not to send you flowers at the hospital: you won't be there long enough to really enjoy them and then you have to schlep them home. Cards are nice. 3) WALK, WALK, WALK, and then WALK SOMEMORE: best thing you can do to prevent clots, get your strength back, get the anesthesia out of your system, move the gas in your bowels and improve your recovery. 4) Make sure you have a pre-arranged support system of people who can give you comfort when you are gutted like a fish, eating like a bird and lonesome. 5)don't be afraid to bug your doctor if you have questions: remember you are paying him, not vice versa. 6)Visit this site daily to educate, compain, celebrate and be motivated and motivating. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

November 5, 2000
Bring lip gloss! You'll be SO dry from all the drugs that it can really make the difference as to how human you feel for those first few days!
   — vitalady

November 5, 2000
Hi, Stacey! I had my surgery Wed. last week (Nov. 1) and the most valuable item I took with me was my pillow!!! I love my own pillow but used the hospital pillow for holding against my incision for coughing...and you'll do A LOT of coughin!!! Press down as hard as you can through that pillow and it won't hurt as much. I, too, wore the hospital gowns. Hubby bought me a darling new robe though and it felt good as I tended to chill easily in the hospital. Part of it was due to the unusually beautiful Nov. weather we were having and many had windows open and fans running! And I had my own slippers which aren't important to some, but they were to me as my feet always get cold and these were real fluffy and cushy and gave a bit more support than what you get in the hospital! Last but not least....TONGS!!! Bariatric Treatment Center where I was provided the most wonderful teflon-coated long tongs for cleansing one's self after 'voiding' as they nicely put it. LOL And at home I keep it in the bathroom...comes in handy for reaching those things you can't down to the floor for. I even wet some tissue and used my foot to clean up something on the bathroom floor, then picked it up with my tongs and deposited it in the wastebasket!! So that's MY input from my experience! Hospital provided everything from lotion, shampoo, powder, chaptstick, slippers, etc!!! Might want to look into your own facility and see what is offered so you don't end up dragging a lot of stuff with you! Keep the whole experience on the simple side!! You'll concentrate more on yourself that way! Good luck, Stacey!!!!
   — Lacy G.

November 5, 2000
Later today I'll e-mail you my list of pre-op tips. If anyone else wants them, just let me know! :)
   — Paula G.

November 6, 2000
Stacey, The only thing I can add is, take your pain meds as scheduled. Even if you think you don't need them. I truly believe the reason I did so well in the hospital was that I kept my pain level to a minimum and my body able to start healing itself, not wasting resources dealing with the pain. That and walk, walk, walk. Sharyle
   — Sharyle L.

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