Has anyone had surgery at 80lbs overweight?

If so, any recommendations on surgeons in the Houston area?    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 15, 2000)

April 15, 2000
It depends upon your BMI. Have you checked it yet? I know some surgeons will consider you for WLS at 80lbs overweight but it might be more difficult to get insurance approval. The general guidelines for WLS state you are a candidate for WLS if your BMI is greater than 35-40 AND you have comorbidities. It also states you are a candidate for WLS if your BMI is greater than 40 regardless of whether comorbidities exist. Hope this helps you may want to look at the NIH guidelines. Best wishes,
   — Jennifer L.

April 15, 2000
I'm 70# overweight right now, and my surgery is Monday in New Orleans, with Dr. Martin. I have comorbidities. Feel free to Email me.
   — CohenHeart

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