Does the catheter hurt? What about an upper GI? Did everyone have one?

My fears have to do with many of the pre-post op procedures. Will I be able to does one care for their hygiene when mobility is impared?    — Jackie S. (posted on August 17, 1999)

August 17, 1999
I had a catheter placed a few years ago and I didn't think it hurt at all going in. A quick burn and then it was in. It doesn't hurt while it is in. Removal is a pulling sensation. Kinda like taking out a tampon (sorry guys:)). You will probably have the catheter placed in surgery so you won't feel it at all. I have sent many patients to have upper GI's and none have complained that it was terrible. They will give you something to numb your throat and stifle your gag reflex. You will not be able to eat or drink a couple of hours after procedure (untill your gag reflex is back). My surgeon doesn't do upper GI's pre-op. I will only have a gall bladder ultrasound. In hospital there will be nurses and aides to help you with personal hygiene. At home I would recommend a shower head that can be hand held. It makes it easier to reach all your "Parts". If you don't already have one they can be purchased pretty cheaply and are pretty easy to install yourself. ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

August 17, 1999
Hi: All Pre-op tests are a snap. I was catheterized after anathesetic was introduced into the IV. They took it out the 2nd day; no discomfort. The stomach/nose hose was a new sensation when they pulled it out, but it didn't hurt only made my throat feel a little uncomfortable. You don't think about cleaniness; but my doctor made my shower at the hospital on the 3rd day; what a wonderful delight. Your angel will be right there with you all the way. Just think of it as a brand new experience; don't fear anything. These people do this every day. I would advise you to take a little pillow with you. When you move press it on your stomach to help your stomach muscles. That's the only thing that I found uncomfortable--that the muscles in my stomach wouldn't work like you are used to having them move. God will be with you.
   — Alyce K.

August 17, 1999
The only thing that hurt me was the incision. Everything else was secondary. I took a shower 2 days post-op, and left the hospital on the 4th morning. Like having a baby, when i look back it wasn't so bad. Good Luck
   — Kyle C.

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