Off Antidepressants before sugery?

My psych doctor took me off my anti depression meds (effexor)last week and my surgery date is August 3rd. He says after surgery we can talk about the med again. I am feeling depressed and crying all the time now. My surgery is all most here. Has anyone been taken off there meds before surgery?    — Nicole S. (posted on July 21, 1999)

July 21, 1999
Wow. I find that very surprising. My surgeon said that my depression would probably worsen in the short-term post-op. He mentioned nothing about stopping my anti-depressants (I take Effexor, Celexa, Ritalin & Remeron). Did your surgeon explain why? What does your psychiatrist say? Please keep in touch, I am very worried about you. Major depression can be just as fatal as obesity. Warmly, Laura
   — Laura S.

July 21, 1999
Hiya. Yeah. It's standard procedure to go off antidepressants and indeed most other meds about 3 weeks before surgery. If you are already bottoming out, tell your doc so he/ she can modify or moderate your coming down. This is an anxious time anyway and to do it cold turkey is tough. But you've only got two more weeks to go and oh boy is it worth it. About two weeks after surgery I went back on meds and that was 7 months ago and by now my dosage is about half what it used to be and I feel better than in my whole life. Hang in there. It's almost here and perhaps the doc can do something for you to help you over the rough spots until surgery. Very good luck Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

July 21, 1999
Hi, I had been taking both Depakote and Effexor to treat my bipolar disorder. I went off of them the day of my surgery (2/16/99). At first I tried taking them when I got out of the hospital, but I couldn't tolerate the pills -- even crushed. My shrink let me go off of them officially a few weeks later as my mood was so good without them. I'm still off and feel great. My therapist is wondering if the surgery could have adjusted my seratonin (sic) levels as this is the first time in two years I've been drug free. Since you've gone off prior to surgery it's sure to be an adjustment. I know effexor withdrawal can cause problems in and of itself -- I had some PRETTY VIVID dreams those first few weeks. Hang in there! You're going through a very emotional time now anyway, what with your surgery coming up. If I were you, I'd call my therapist and talk about this, probably schedule some extra sessions too. Good luck!! If you need to talk to someone, drop me an e-mail.
   — Edna H.

July 21, 1999
Hi, My Doc had me take ALL (Neurontin, Remeron, Wellbutrin, Synthroid, Premarin) of my Meds right up until and including the day of surgery. I too, was told that there is a good chance of post-op depression and so I did schedule extra sessions with the Therapist. I tried crushing all of the meds after surgery, but I couldnot tolerate it adn ended up vomiting. So, I started back on all of the meds, one at a time, slowly swallowing the whole pill, or cutting it in halves, the only one I am not taking again, which I may not even have to, is the wellbutrin. Please take care of yourself. Tell them you HAVE to have it. I am 4 1/2 weeks Post-op. Open RNY. Take care.
   — Patti W.

July 23, 1999
Ihave just had WLS on July 14th 1999....and yes they took me off all meds due to reactions involving to your primary care physician first....
   — Mona S.

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