Please Help me

I am 4 months post-op and have lost about 75 lbs. 7 weeks ago I started to get depressed and it has gotten worse every week. I have started to both a psychologist and psychiatry. I am on Wellbutrin and lexapro but they just are not helping. I cannot keep going like this. I would take the weight back to be out of this depression. I don't know if anyone can help. Did anyone have depression this bad?    — Diana B. (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
It takes a while for the medication to work. When I was diagnosed with depression I was put on 20mg of Paxel .5mg of Lorazepam and Trazodone (can't remember dosage).. I swear the only thing that got me through the first few months was the Trazodone. It helped me sleep is itself an anti-depressant that works well with SSRIs. If it's been more than a few weeks you may want to discuss it with your psychiatrist and see about either a dosage or medication change. Right now I'm not taking any medication so I hope I don't have to go back on it after my surgery but I have a feeling that I will. :-( Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
   — SJP

July 31, 2003
Well I would talk it over with your docs, I think it is pretty common to suffer from depression after a life changing surgery....I have suffered from depression for years now and I haven't had surgery yet. You didn't say how long you have been taking the meds, it usually takes a month or so to feel the effects, also you are not going to absorb as much after surgery so you may need a higher doseage....or maybe even a different type of medication. Depression is very hard to deal with, but it will get better.....if you need anything please feel free to email me if you want to talk.... take care,,,,,Denise
   — Saxbyd

July 31, 2003
Hi, I am post-op too and I have been on anitdepressants for about a 2 years now, even before I had weight loss surgery. My doctor had put me on several different ones like about 6 before I had found the right one to really work for me. And , they all take about 6-8 weeks before they really get into your system, and you start to notice any type of difference. So, please give it a little more time and see how it works, I know the waitng can be very frustrating, but in the end it makes awhole lot of difference, and if the ones you are trying doesn't help still after 6-8 weeks, then have your doctor try something else, there is hope, depression can be a normal process to go thru especially after having this surgery too! Good Luck to you and I hope you feel better soon, please don't let yourself get discouraged! Take Care!
   — Melodee S.

July 31, 2003
I am so sorry you are suffering like this. I am only 4 weeks out and I struggle some days too. I am on Zoloft and I can't tell you if it is working or not. I don't know if this is your issue, but I do miss being able to eat what I want and as much as I want! This has been such a huge change and I feel kinda blah! But I keep hoping oneday it will pass. I am not trying to make this about me, but I wanted to let you know that if this is your reason for feeling so bad that I can relate! I encourage you to continue to talk with you Doctor and don't give up till your feeling better! Hang in there, you have a lot of support here!
   — Denise D.

July 31, 2003
I'm sorry you are in such mental pain. I know how you feel .I'm 6 months out and I also had some depression. I can tell you that this will pass.You will be able to eat what you want ,just in smaller amounts and you will feel satisfied with smaller amount.I have just this week, while having lunch with my daughter, realized that I did not think of what I was eating. I automatically ate my few ounces and felt full .I pushed my plate away and kept talking to my daughter when I realized I had just done this automatically for the first time. And now I have continued to do the same all week. My body has now learned how to eat and when to stop.It's great.This will happen to you also.I had been prepared for this mourning over the loss of my buddy food because I had heard that most go through this so I was ready for it and I just kept myself active with family and friends.Yes we are mourning the loss of eating just as we would over the loss of a family member or friend.But remember all mourning does come to an end, and then you enjoy life again. In our case, more than ever. Gos bless
   — myra J.

July 31, 2003
Denise, I just wanted you to know I had that period of 'mourning' for my old way of eating. It goes away when you are able to enjoy a general diet and you adjust to a different lifestyle. You will adjust. Now, to Diana, it's really sad to hear of your suffering with depression. Did you have depressive tendencies before your surgery. Major surgery can rattle your hormones and upset everything. This too should pass. Be sure you are being properly nutrionalized...vits, water, etc. Getting as much exercise as you can (be sure to work up to it) really helps. Keep in close contact with your doctor and follow his directions on the taking of your meds. I hope this clears up for you really soon. Hang in there.
   — Ginger M.

July 31, 2003
hi.. i am still waiting for an appointment with the dr. i am depressed BECAUSE of the weight.. i know it is a bummer to feel depressed, but think of what you have done! congratulations to you and think of all of us that HAVE NOT had the opportunity to see a difference yet. maybe it's not my place to speak, but you are brave and i congratulate you on your ongoing success........patricia
   — riotgirlp

August 1, 2003
I too am suffering from depression. Some days are really bad and others are fine. To add a double-whammy, my daughter is also going through some terrible depression (and a bit of anxiety - I just got 'smaller' than her - she's 16) We are both seeing therapists and we have both gone through SEVERAL medication changes, and I think we are on the right track now. When you do get the right balance of medication it will help, but there are still so many changes that will be going on in your life, there will always be extra stress, the tough part is dealing with the stress without the old familier friend - food. I think we all go through different levels of stress, because (at least in my case) food helped me through: boredom - stress - lonliness - sadness - anger..... now I have to deal with those things ON MY OWN. How scary is that? It takes professional help to get us through all of this. I used to be ashamed to say I went for professional help, but I finally realized that the only way to make this a lifetime success is to go through this pain and figure out how to heal it. What good is it to have the physical health if the mental health is still in FAT MODE. An excellent book (recomended by my therapist) is Boundaries. At least in my eyes, I think most of us as overwieght people allowed ourselves to take on more burden to situations than we needed to, this book opens your eyes to taking care of you and finding the balance in your life. I hope my rambling helps, e-mail me anytime if you want to vent, or cry.... anything!
   — Dana B.

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