Anyone with bipolar

has anyone had any trouble because they are bipolar?    — gchamplin (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
Hi!Not only am I bi-polar,but I'm also 5 months post-op,down 90lbs.I take neurontin,celexa and just recently added zyprexa.I did hit a "low"about 6 weeks ago(nothing too serious).My PCP suggested perhaps I wasn't absorbing my current medications to the full extent and added the zyprexa.Wow,what a difference.She did mention that people on zypexa tend to gain weight,but that dosen't seem to be the case for me.Good luck to you.
   — Heather I.

March 13, 2003
I have manic depression and SEVERE Anxiety!!!!!!!! I have been working on a 1-2 days a week on adjusting my meds because my anxiety is out of controll which is starting to bother my m.d.. I have had it all my life. The problems started about 3.5 months out and I am now at 5 months. Email me if you have any questions. I too took zyprexa but it made me want to eat all the time. I now take paxil and buspar.
   — Angie L.

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