Has anyone had PS at the same time as WLS?

I am pre-op, but already have a huge apron that hangs and I'm getting a "front butt" from the 54 pounds I've already lost. My old roommate asked me if the surgeon could lipo some fat out while they are in there...I kinda laughed her off but then someone from this site told me that there are some people who have had some of their belly removed during their WLS. I'd like to hear from anyone who knows more about this.    — Sarahlicious (posted on March 8, 2003)

March 8, 2003
I have heard of some who have an apron removed at the same time as their WLS. The only real way to know is to ask the surgeon if he/she is willing to do that. I went to your profile and noticed that you have a very high BMI. It might be more likely for them to agree to do this, if it will help you be more able to exercise post-op. Still, you really need to talk to your surgeon about it.
   — garw

March 8, 2003
I had a tummy tuck done with my WLS. It was mostly due to financial constraints as I had to self pay and wouldn't be able to afford another surgery later. My surgeon actually suggested it. He took off 13 pounds of apron. My tummy isn't super tight since losing 141 pounds but it sure isn't bad. If I could have afforded it I would have waited until later, but I am happy with the results.
   — Brenda H.

March 9, 2003
In general, it's best to wait, as the closer your body is to it's final form, the easier it is to tighten the loose skin around it. If you have a pannus that is really a problem, then that could be a reason to do at least that part "up front." Operating on infected skin while also doing an internal procedure may be a big problem for some general surgeons, as the risk of an infcetion could be inceased.
   — DrL

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