Expert Advice Needed Again...

Well, as you all may or may not know, I had my psych evaluation with the guy who told me to buy Dr. Phils book. He made me come back and pay a copay three times. It took him three weeks to get it typed and sent to Peoria (where I am having my surgery...about a 2.5 hour drive from my house). My surgeons office told me they had to have their psychologist look it over to make sure that everything was gone over in my eval. Three weeks later I started calling every day because their PhD still hadn't read what my PhD sent yet. FRUSTRATION. Then after making myself well known by everyone, the PhD called me himself. My next step was actually to call my insurance and see if I could get the surgery done someplace else! Their PhD finally called me and said, "I am not going to okay this report unless you agree to be medicated for depression post surgery and you have to call a psychologist in your area and have an appointment set up before your surgery is even scheduled." I guess that is what I get for being the squeeky wheel. Now I will sit and wonder if they will EVER call me to schedule for surgery after six months of getting approved and waiting. What should I do?    — Marcy G. (posted on February 2, 2003)

February 2, 2003
Just my opinion, but it would be easy to say ok to the meds post-surgically and then never take them if you dont want to. Also as for the pre-op psych requirement...go ahead and tell him that you already made an appointment. If he wants proof, that is BS. He can not hold anything over your head to make sure you do. If you dont want to lie about it, contact a local psychologist and set up an appointment. Just because you have an appointment doesnt mean you cant cancel it at a future date. After the slow-poke Psych sends out the report to your insurance company, he will then have no ties to you or the state of your mental health. But at least if he said that you must do this before being looks as though he is approving your eval for surgery. So you can at least be happy for that. =) Good luck with everything.
   — ImANewDee

February 2, 2003
Yes, he did require proof. He said to either fax over proof or have the psychiatrist call them and tell them that I am coming to see her post op. To top it off, the psych who read my eval said, "You should have come to me." I have noticed that psychiatrists are very money hungry!
   — Marcy G.

February 2, 2003
Is it possible that you are depressed? I would consider going to a different psyc and getting a new evaluation. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

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