Change Procedure?

Can I change my mind and instead of having the RNY laparoscopic by-pass, have the Lap Banding? What will my surgeon say? I want WLS, but I think I would prefer the Lap Banding after all! Help. What should I do? My insurance has already approved the Lap RNY. What should I do? Thanks.    — Marcy G. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
First thing I would do is check and see if your insurer covers lap-banding. If not and you cannot afford it then it's a moot point - right? If they do approve it, discuss this with your doctor - pros and cons, etc. See if he does this surgery - if not and you still want it find another surgeon. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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