Am I worrying too much?

I am paying for cobra. It is $450 a month. I have had it since November. In December (12th) I saw my surgeon. He is a 2.5 hour drive from my house. I have been approved for surgery already provided my Psych eval was okay. It took me four weeks to get through the Psych eval because I used a guy from my home town instead of going to their guy. Now they say their guy has to "look at" this Psych report and make sure everything was covered. It has been another two weeks and they STILL have not done so. I call every other day and everyone knows me. Am I being too pushy? I feel that the spirit of the surgery has gone and I am slowly losing hope that it will ever happen not to mention I can't afford to keep paying this money every month. I need advice. What should I do next???    — Marcy G. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 21, 2003
You are just going to have to wait until their psych evaluates the report from your psych. I wouldn't continue calling too frequently as you don't want to be known as a pest. Perhaps just call once a week and politely check the status? I know that the wait can be discouraging, but on a good note, you are already approved! And the 450 a month for now is well worth it.
   — Cindy R.

January 21, 2003
Hi, you're not being too pushy. That's what it takes, it seems, these days with this surgery. You have to keep on them every second. Keep calling and requesting (nicely) that they move things along. <P> Regarding COBRA...please keep in mind that you're going to need aftercare. It would not be a good idea to have surgery, then drop your COBRA insurance the next week. You need at least a year of aftercare with this surgery. Plus, if you drop your COBRA and remain uninsured for 60 days before you get insurance again, you may find it difficult to become re-insured (privately at least...not through employment). So hang onto your COBRA until you can get another job with insurance. I know it's expensive, but being uninsured and having (God forbid) a complication after surgery that requires hospitalization or not, can be financially devastating. I hope things go well, and that you'll recover swiftly and will be able to return to work without any problems. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 21, 2003
Regarding aftercare, mine was covered in the costs of the surgery for the 1st year. You need to check with your surgeon, before dropping COBRA, you might be able to, though.
   — dkinson

January 21, 2003
I wouldn't worry about being a pest, be a nice pest! I had to do that with my insurance company and as long as you are nice and friendly about it they will understand your impatience. (Squeaky wheel gets the oil type thing) As for cobra, I would not drop it...and since you will be saving all that money on your grocery bill it won't hurt your pocket book as much. I was so surprised at what it was costing me daily to stop at Fast Food Places,buy my daily dose of sodas (2 - liters)and junk food from the minute markets and grocery store, it was about $300 per month! So if you look at it that way it is well worth keeping you cobra until you get another insurance. God Bless you on your WLS journey.
   — Tinca-Thais J.

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